Who Wants To Play ‘What The Hell Did Joe Biden Just Say?’

Joe Biden’s campaign worries that he’s not getting out in front of the public enough during the coronavirus lockdown. They should actually be worrying about the opposite, considering his dementia and speaking issues. During a softball interview with ABC, Biden may have given his least coherent answer yet, and this is a guy who has said the coronavirus cure would be worse than the disease. Far from establishing Joe as presidential material, these Biden bunker interviews have only invented a new game called: “WTF is he talking about?”

Occasionally I will offer up Def-Con News points, which can be redeemed at the DCN world HQ gift shop, to readers if they can unf*ck democratic party nonsense. There are one million DCN points up for grabs to anyone who can tell me what the hell Crazy Joe said at the 8:42 mark of the video:

“We cannot let this, we’ve never allowed any crisis from the Civil War straight through to the pandemic of 17, all the way around, 16, we have never, never let our democracy sakes second fiddle, way they, we can both have a democracy, an elections, and at the same time correct the public health,” said Biden.

Huh? Was there a pandemic in 17 or 16? And if so, is he sure we didn’t let democracy “sakes” at the time?

The Spanish flu pandemic was in 1918, so that ain’t it. In 2016 the first cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome began to appear but it didn’t become a full-pandemic until 2017. Also, it’s unlikely Biden would acknowledge the existence of a disease that only afflicts his side of the political spectrum.

This is a word salad the Biden ate and then barfed back up to prove that not only shouldn’t he ever be president but also that he is in desperate need of help.

Some of Biden’s other gems from this interview include:

“We have to finally get some data how these, how these coronaviruses really hurting African Americans and um, minority communities.”

“We expanded CDC they a their, in other countries so we could be in fact observe see when things are coming.”

“We can do much better than being done now.”

The best one however wasn’t Joe’s mumbly talk but rather his lack of coherence. Biden was asked about his sudden turn to support President Trump’s January 31 China travel ban, which the former VP called racist and xenophobic at the time. Here Crazy Joe tries to downplay President Trump’s early efforts to slow the coronavirus spread:

“He indicated that I complimented him on dealing with China. Well, you know, 45 nations had already moved to keep uh um blocked China’s personnel from being able to come United States before the President moved,” claimed Biden.

Can we get a fact-check on aisle 3, please? Biden just said that before President Trump banned travel for China to the U.S in late January, 45 other nations had already banned Chinese people from traveling to the U.S. To be clear, no other nation can ban Chinese travel to the United States besides the U.S. and China. China didn’t ban travel at the time, so what are these 45 nations that Joe Biden thinks stopped “China’s personnel” from coming here?

Lucky for Biden that ABC is rooting for him to win the election in November because otherwise they would call him out for this obvious lie. Also, if the liberal media weren’t part of the democratic party’s propaganda ministry, they might, from time time, ask him to clarify the gobbledygook that comes out of his mouth.