Latest Liberal Media Lie Is That Trump Is Cashing On On Hydroxychloroquine

President Trump has been optimistic that the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine will be a successful treatment for the coronavirus. Liberals and the fake news have been in hysterics claiming the President is literally killing people by touting this drug as a cure, but as the reports are starting to come, it seems Trump was right again. Not only is it effective, patients are symptom-free within 12 hours. Liberals need to rage about something so now they’ve come up with a lie that President Trump stands to make millions if hydroxychloroquine becomes the go-to cure for coronavirus. As you can imagine, this is complete bullshit.

After weeks of giving President Trump shit for hoping hydroxychloroquine will successfully treat patients with coronavirus, reports from all over the world confirm this drug is effective. Liberals quickly shifted their narrative from Trump was killing people to Trump is pushing the drug because he has a financial stake in the company that makes it.

Here’s what ice queen home wrecker Mika Brzezinski said on MSNBC yesterday. After forehead hoarder Joe Scarborough wondered why Trump has, “pushed an unproven drug” Brzezinski replied:

“A lot of people would say, follow the money. There’s got to be some sort of financial tie to someone, somewhere that has the President pushing this repeatedly,” said Brzezinski.

That piece of fact-free speculation masquerading as real news was good enough for The New York Times so they tried to dig up the dirt that Trump was cashing in on hydroxychloroquine:

Day after day, the salesman turned president has encouraged coronavirus patients to try hydroxychloroquine with all of the enthusiasm of a real estate developer.

If hydroxychloroquine becomes an accepted treatment, several pharmaceutical companies stand to profit, including shareholders and senior executives with connections to the president. Mr. Trump himself has a small personal financial interest in Sanofi, the French drugmaker that makes Plaquenil, the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine.

Gasp! President Trump is pushing this unproven drug, that works, because he he will make a mint if doctors start prescribing it to coronavirus patients! The NY Times has all the proof!

Except this isn’t even remotely true. Trump’s financial stake is that there is a family trust that is invested in a mutual fund that holds some stock in Sanofi. Remember, democrats and the liberal media insisted that Trump put all of his holdings in a blind trust and this stake in the drug company is actually in a blind trust. It’s not Trump is making millions off of insider trading like Dianne Feinstein, he has a mutual fund that he doesn’t control.

It gets less shocking because Sanofi doesn’t hold the patent for hydroxychloroquine as there are dozens of drug companies that make it. Sanofi doesn’t even sell their version of the drug in the U.S. so chances are they won’t be making any money off of this and neither will president Trump.

Here’s The Federalist’s Margot Cleveland laying out how the liberal media has reacted to President Trump’s hopes for hydroxychloroquine:

That’s 7 steps of Trump Derangement Syndrome. If only there were a 12-step program for TDS.

Donald Trump is the President of the United States and there is a viral epidemic raging across the country. His job is to fight this thing with everything he’s got and there is nothing nefarious about him pushing a drug that has shown promise to beat the coronavirus. The liberal media however is contractually obligated to oppose the President at every step because they truly are the enemy of the American people.