Portland Builds Coronavirus Homeless Camps Segregated By Race And Sexuality

One thing the coronavirus has shown is that in times crisis liberals fall back on their default racism. Actually, they also go immediately to fascism and communism and this story has all 3. The City of Portland, Oregon is building homeless camps for the coronavirus epidemic and they will be segregating bums by race and sexual preference. Where have I heard about something like that before? It’ll come to me.

OPB reports:

The City of Portland is working with the nonprofit JOIN, a Portland-based organization that helps people transition into permanent housing, and a number of advocacy groups to open three temporary outdoor emergency shelters starting as early as next week. The shelters are necessary to help the most vulnerable unhoused people safely shelter-in-place during the coronavirus pandemic.

Two of the sites will be in Central Eastside and a third is located in Old Town. Some minimal construction has already begun at the sites which will each host 45 single occupancy tents. Partners are also accepted so the city expects total occupancy to be more than 135 people. Residents at the shelters will be provided with tents and sleeping bags, as well as meals, showers and restrooms.

“These sites are critical for the public health, safety, and dignity of our houseless community,” said Portland Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty.

And about that dignity, check this thing out buried deep in the story:

One of the sites will prioritize people who identify as LGBTQ, another will be for people of color, and a third will be for a blended population including older adults, women, and people with disabilities.

Well shit, that sounds pretty damn racist actually. They have a camp for gays, a camp for non-whites, and a camp for old crippled people. Presumably white people can go to the third camp, but that isn’t specifically addressed. There may be no place for white bums in this segregated camp system.

Are they seriously planning on housing blacks and Asians in the same camp? Maybe they should check out the wave of violent hate crimes committed by blacks against Asians, who blame them for the coronavirus, before settling in on this particular segregation system.

Oh, it suddenly hit me where I heard of this kind of thing before. The Nazis built camps for people they considered undesirable. They rounded up all of the Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, and homosexuals to be housed in camps. The only difference is, the Nazis didn’t segregate the camps; they were equal opportunity haters.

Portland is somehow worse than the Nazis. That’s ironic because they are the “Punch a Nazi” city, run by Antifa terrorists who attack random people they think look like Nazis. Maybe that’s not irony, Portland and its thugs are very fascist in their approach to anything. Why would building coronavirus homeless camps be any different?

Maybe the irony comes from the fact that this racist/homophobic plan will be an absolute failure. There no way in hell the city is going to get crazy drug addicted bums to sit in a tent for month without leaving to score. These segregated camps are going to be a disaster by concentrating the filth and crime that is usually dispersed over a much great area. They will also become coronavirus hot zones.

Once again, liberal solutions involve racism, fascism, and communism. When all they have is hate, every problem looks race.