LGBTQ Nation Argues That Coronavirus Is God’s Punishment For Conservative Christians

LGBTQ Nation is still butthurt (pun intended) that when AIDS first came out it was labeled a gay disease. Sure, it was almost entirely gay people getting it and was originally called Gay Related Immune Deficiency Syndrome (GRIDS), but it’s apparently homophobic to notice the reality of things. In any case, they’ve been biding their time since the early 1980’s to throw this back in everyone’s face and is arguing that the coronavirus is God’s punishment for conservative Christians.

Here is the (so far) dumbest coronavirus take: If HIV was God’s punishment for gays, then coronavirus is punishment for conservative Christians

You couldn’t swing a cat in the 90s without hitting an evangelical who believed HIV was God’s punishment for homosexuality. But that logic isn’t on their side today.

Here’s the way it almost always goes. They blame it on the San Francisco liberals. All sins start in that bastion of homosexuals.

Fundamentalists apparently consider San Francisco the capital of the LGBTQ world. This all started with the AIDS crisis when evangelicals said that God proved his anger at homosexuals by putting that plague on their capital city.

Don’t gays also consider San Francisco their capitol?

Get ready for it…

So, according to their logic, if God showed his anger on the issue of LGBTQ equality by striking San Francisco with AIDS, then God must now be angry with religious people by striking the headquarters of the world’s religions with the COVID-19: Rome, headquarters of Catholics; Athens, the headquarters of Greek Orthodoxy; Moscow, the headquarters of Russian orthodoxy; London, home of the Anglican communion; Mecca, home of Muslims; Jerusalem, home of Jewish faith; and Salt Lake City, home of the Mormons.

Fact check: Jews, Muslims, and Mormons are not conservative Christians.

Now let’s compare and see what God’s wrath is. San Francisco has under 1000 cases and only 12 deaths. All of the headquarters cities of the world’s major religions, religions that at one point or another have discriminated against the LGBTQ community, have more cases and more deaths than San Francisco. San Francisco is the least affected of all the cities.

The official position of the left is that the coronavirus is racist, but somehow LGBT-friendly. Also that it’s God’s punishment for conservative Christians, even if they happen to be Jewish, Muslim, or Mormon.

This is all very offensive and yet the author of this piece of crap found a way to crank it up another level:

As the extremists always say: God’s plagues are aimed at those who utter hate speech against their chosen followers. It turns out, in this case, the chosen people is the LGBTQ community.

You got that? This LGBTQer says that God hates faithful Christians and is smiting them with coronavirus, but actually loves gay people. You’d think there would have been something in the Bible if this were remotely true.

This terrible attack on conservative Christians, and all world religions really, is a sad attempt at snark by the LGBTQ Nation. For the record, snark is more effective when you don’t defame people’s faith and celebrate their deaths.