Pelosi Fights Reopening The Country In Evil Plan To Make Americans Suffer

Prior to the coronavirus, the U.S. economy was booming and the best in generations. Democrats knew they would have a hard time beating Trump in November with such a great economy but to their delight, things have tanked since the pandemic forced millions of Americans out of work. As it becomes clear the coronavirus was overstated and the country is set to reopen for business, Nancy Pelosi is fighting tooth and nail to keep things closed down. The last thing she wants is for the economy to bounce back because it doesn’t bode well for her shitty party’s chances to steal power back.

Last month as a bipartisan coronavirus relief bill was set to pass, Pelosi single-handily held up $2.2 trillion for suffering Americans with demands for taxpayer-funded abortions and global warming nonsense. The optics were bad for her so she caved, but not after delaying coronavirus relief for a week.

This week a bipartisan bill to add $250 billion in emergency funds to small businesses was derailed by Pelosi and the democrats because they are demanding an additional $250 billion in unnecessary spending. As of right now, it doesn’t look like small businesses will be seeing relief anytime soon.

This is now a pattern from Pelosi, who is determined to make Americans suffer because she thinks it’s politically advantageous for her and her party.

Another prong of this evil plan is to keep President Trump from reopening the American economy. While Trump unveiled his plan to reopen the country and get Americans back to work, this is what Pelosi is demanding:

Nobody said, “People will die, so be it” and it seems weird that Pelosi thinks every life is precious when it comes to reopening the economy but not when it comes to abortion, which she fought hard to keep going during this pointless lockdown.

The bigger point here is that Pelosi is saying the country can’t reopen until there’s a level of testing that meets her approval. Guess what? That level of testing won’t meet her approval until sometime after the November election.

Pelosi’s bitch-boy Adam Schiff aped Pelosi’s plan to keep America locked down for as long as possible:

Here’s the basics behind this democratic ploy: If Trump reopens the economy, democrats will blame him for killing everyone. If the country stays locked down and the economy stays in the toilet, democrats will blame Trump for a terrible economy. They think it’s a win-win for them to keep Americans suffering.

The thing is, a new study shows that the coronavirus is no more deadly than the flu. In 2018, 61,000 people died from the flu and it had a death rate of .14%. So far the coronavirus has killed 34,000 people in the U.S. and has a death rate of .14%. There is no sane reason to keep this country on lockdown for something that isn’t any deadlier than the flu that went around 2 years ago. Did we shut down the whole country in 2018? If we did, I don’t remember.

The insane reason to keep this country suffering however is because democrats want to use the pseudo-pandemic to steal power that they can’t earn legitimately.

The coronavirus hysteria has been the democrats’ wet dream, doing the work of 20 democratic administrations in the span of a month. It has killed tens of millions of jobs and made tens of millions of Americans utterly dependent upon the federal government. On top of wanting to get rid of President Trump, democrats want to keep the people beholden to the government. You think they are going to give that up without a fight?