Team Trump Accused Of Racism For Pointing Out Biden’s Open Borders Plan

When Joe Biden says racist things like black kids are almost as smart as white kids or that minorities shouldn’t be allowed to go to school with blonde children it’s not racist because he’s a democrat. It is however racist when Republicans use Biden’s exact words because that’s how liberal bullshit works. Team Trump pointed out that Joe Biden has said he will not deport illegal aliens, including criminals, if he is elected President. Applying the liberal double-standard, Trump’s people have been accused of extreme racism and inciting racially-motived mass murder.

For some unknown reason, Joe Biden’s campaign has put up an avatar creator on his website that lets people become a member of “Team Joe.” People have been abusing the hell out of this thing to make fun of Crazy Joe and I even made one:

Team Trump also took advantage of this avatar creator in a hilarious way:

Since liberals think everything is racist and have severe Trump Derangement Syndrome, this Team Trump tweet has the left screaming “racism!” Here’s Texas Rep. Joaquín Castro being outraged and edgy with profanity:


Former Clintonite and current CNN fake newser Joe Lockhart was also offended:


Immigration activist Frank Sherry is pretty sure this will result in a race war:


And TPM stooge Josh Marshall sees the GOP as the KKK:


Obviously nobody form the liberal media is going to fact check this but luckily Def-Con News has an extensive research department known as the Internet and can verify that Biden has stated that he will not deport illegal aliens if he win the White House.

In March, at the last democratic party debate, Biden stated very clearly, “The first 100 days of my administration, no one, no one will be deported at all.”

“No one” includes illegal alien criminals like the MS-13 gang members in Team Trump’s tweet. If Biden were elected president, he would not deport these violent criminal scumbags as proven by his own words. Despite being 100% true, somehow that’s racist.

Liberals have established that using a woman of color’s exact words, like Ilhan Omar, is racist, but now using a white democrats’ words is a hate crime. It must be hard being this f*cked in the head and yet liberals make it look effortless.