Michelle Obama Is Pissed At Black People For Letting Barack Down

Barack Obama had a sad legacy as president that was based largely on some extra-judicial and unconstitutional executive orders. It was no secret that if a Republican succeeded him, almost everything he “accomplished” would be wiped out. Donald J. Trump won the the 2016 election and erased Obama’s 8 years in less than 2 years. Michelle Obama is now pissed off because her husband was a weak, accomplishment-free, president. And she’s particularly mad at black people for not voting for Hillary Clinton and enabling Trump’s dismantling of Barack’s weak presidency.

Lest anyone accuse me of reading more into a liberal’s words than is actually there, here’s a headline from The Daily Beast: Michelle Obama Is Mad at Black Voters, Not Trump Voters

See, Michelle Obama is pissed off at black people. In fact…

While Trump is casually referenced from the first minutes and the mood of the country scores the film’s entire conversation, it’s not until roughly two-thirds through the film that she addresses her negative feelings about his 2016 victory directly. Twice, she talks about how painful it is to her that black voters didn’t turn out to vote for Hillary Clinton, calling the decision not to vote more painful to her than those who voted for Trump.

“It takes some energy to go high, and we were exhausted from it. Because when you are the first black anything…So the day I left the White House and I write about how painful it was to sit on that [inauguration] stage. A lot of our folks didn’t vote. It was almost like a slap in the face,” said Michelle.

Apparently it’s “going high” to bitch about having to see Trump get inaugurated and that black people weren’t excited to vote for a bitchy white condescending grandma.

And it’s not “apparently” it just is:

“The people who didn’t vote at all, the young people, the women, that’s when you think, man, people think this is a game. It wasn’t just in this election. Every midterm. Every time Barack didn’t get the Congress he needed, that was because our folks didn’t show up. After all that work, they just couldn’t be bothered to vote at all. That’s my trauma,” Michelle said.

OK, Michelle Obama is pissed at black people for basically letting Barack down. Here’s a fair question: What did Barack Obama ever do for black people? He was president for 8 years and did absolutely nothing to help black people. In all fairness he did’t help white, Asian, or Latino people either, but he definitely didn’t help black people.

Before the coronavirus lockdown crashed the economy, President Trump got black unemployment down to historic lows and signed justice reform that benefited the black community. Barack bloviated in mom jeans and not much else. What “work” is Michelle referring to?

I’m not sure why Michelle is so pissed off at black people. Prior to the White House, the Obama’s owned no houses or even a car. During Baracks’ 8-year reign of laziness and ineptitude, Michelle got to take lavish vacations and shopping trips on the American taxpayer’s dime. Upon leaving the White House the Obamas have been showered with tens of million of dollars for doing nothing. Shit has worked out for Michelle and Barry.

If Barack actually gave a shit about the black community, he would have done things to improve their lives as president. If Michelle actually gave a shit about the black community, she would give her unearned millions to causes that benefit black people. You’ve probably noticed that neither of those things have happened.

You couldn’t ask for a better example of how democrats feel entitled to the black vote, despite doing nothing to deserve it. Michelle Obama getting bitchy with black voters for not supporting her husband who gave them nothing should be a wake up call that this party doesn’t have black people’s best interests in mind.

Then again, if slavery, the KKK, and segregation didn’t convict black people that democrats are not their friends, nothing will.