Shockingly, Nancy Pelosi Knows Very Little About Dog Poop

You would think that someone as full of crap as Nancy Pelosi would be a certified expert on excrement, but no. In her never-ending quest to embarrass herself she proved that she doesn’t understand the basic fundamentals of dog poop and more specifically how getting doggy doo-doo on one’s shoes works. The good news however is that in her sad attempt to insult President Trump she accidentally predicted he will be in the White House for a very long time. Dementia is awesome.


During a press conference Pelosi was asked about Trump’s running feud with MSNBC’s Forehead King Joe Scarborough. She didn’t understand the question, but went ahead and answered it anyways because, again, dementia is kick-ass.

“You asking me about the appropriateness of the actions of this President of the United States? So completely inappropriate in so many ways that it’s almost a given,” said pelosi.

Despite claiming there were so many ways Trump is inappropriate, Pelosi could only come up with one way and it was literally a dog shit answer:

“It’s like a child who comes in with mud on their pants or something. That’s the way it is, they’re outside playing, that’s where they – He comes in with doggy doo on his shoes and everybody who works with him has that on their shoes, too, for a very long time to come,” said Pelosi.

Analogies are hard when you you’re not in control of your mental facilities.

Pelosi is trying to liken Trump suggesting that police open a cold case on an intern who died under suspicious circumstances in then-Congressman Joe Scarborough’s office to the President tracking dog shit into the house.

That’s already bad, but Pelosi clearly has no idea how dog shit works. In Pelosi’s deranged scenario, Trump has dog poop on his shoe and then suddenly that poo is transferred to everyone else’s shoes. That’s not how it works.

If person has dog crap on his or her shoe and brings it into the house, it gets tracked all over the floor, not magically transported to the shoes of everyone else in the house. Even if someone else should step in the tracked poop, it would be a smear and not a big pile that would end up on other shoes. The overall problem with bringing dog shit into the house is not that it gets on other people’s shoes but rather that it gets all over the floor.

The analogy works even less well because Pelosi is trying to say that Trump is a bastard who makes everyone around him bastards too and on purpose. If someone steps in dog crap, it is an accident and so is tracking it in the house. In reality, Pelosi is excusing Trump’s behavior as accidental.

Also, Pelosi looks like she’s giving Trump another term because in her terrible dog shit analogy, she says the President will be tracking poop on the White House carpets for a very long time to come.

Pelosi finished up this incoherent rant by imploring reporters to look up a word she says describes President Trump. Unfortunately she had a hard time saying the word:

“You would understand if you knew what a conflabator is. Conflabalater? Confabulator is. Look up the word confabulator,” said Pelosi.

A confabulator is someone who fills in the gaps in their memory with lies that person believe to be facts. Kind of like someone who thinks you aren’t allowed to say “wolf” in a theater, believes mowing the lawn will stop illegal immigration, and who says dog shit from the President’s shoe can magically infect the shoes of those around him.

In other words a confabulator is someone who doesn’t know shit about shit but is still full of shit. Sounds like someone I know.