Unhinged Nancy Pelosi Accuses CNN Of Being Republican Apologists

Everyone is talking about Joe Biden’s cognitive decline but of equal concern is the sheer lunacy of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She just accused super-liberal, anti-Trump CNN of being Republican propaganda. No seriously, she believes that the network that has put all of their chips into getting Biden elected and promoting the democratic party agenda is actually working on behalf of the GOP. That’s not only delusional it’s downright cuckoo.

President Trump and the Republicans have proposed a $1.8 trillion coronavirus stimulus package that Pelosi has soundly rejected. She went on CNN today and Wolf Blitzer asked her why, with so many people out of work and facing eviction, she didn’t accept the deal. Her answer was unhinged.

First she told Blitzer that he must ask the Republicans the same question, which makes absolutely no sense because they didn’t reject a proposal from the democrats. Then she went on to explain why she wouldn’t agree to the deal.

“Our legislation is there to do three things primarily; to honor our workers, honor our heroes, our healthcare workers, our police and fire, first responders, our teachers, our transportation, sanitation, our food workers. The people who make our lives work,” said Pelosi.

That seems like way more than 3 things, but more importantly she just reeled off a list of people who are employed. The point of a coronavirus stimulus package is to help people who can’t work because of the pandemic. She is holding up much-needed relief because the Republican bill doesn’t have money for people who actually have jobs and that’s f*cked up.

Blitzer pointed out that many of Pelosi’s fellow democrats want to pass the GOP bill as well as the fact that compromise means not getting everything you want. Pelosi wasn’t having any of that compromise talk and went off on the CNN anchor:

“What I say to you is I don’t know why you’re always an apologist, and many of your colleagues, apologist for the Republican position,” Pelosi said.

When I think CNN, apologizing for the Republican position is actually the last thing to pop in my mind.

Blitzer kept pressing Pelosi, pointing out that $1.8 trillion dollars would help millions of Americans struggling to put food on the table or stay in their homes. She gave some more bullshit reasons why she rejected the Republican offer.

“I will not let the wrong be the enemy of the right,” said Pelosi bizarrely.

“What’s wrong with $1.8 trillion?” Blitzer asked.

“Do you have any idea what the difference is between the spending in their bill and that we have in our bill? Do you realize that they have come back and said all of these things? The child tax credits and the earned income tax credits,” said Pelosi. “Do you realize that they pay no respect to the fact that child care is very important?”

Again, a coronavirus stimulus bill is for people who can’t work. Unemployed people don’t need tax credits because they don’t have income. They also don’t need child care because they are home all day not working. Pelosi rejected relief to the American people because the bill doesn’t include a child care provision and that’s f*cked up.

And finally, Pelosi once again accused Blitzer and CNN of being GOP operatives, though she messed it up because as was mentioned, she’s nuts.

“I didn’t come over here to have you, so you’re the apologist for the Obama administration,” said Pelosi.

Pelosi is so far gone that she thinks the Obama administration was Republican and that’s added to the fact that she believes CNN is siding with the GOP against the democrats. She recently introduced some legislation that would allow her to remove the president if she thought he was mentally unfit. That’s the fist time I can think of where a bill is projecting a Speaker’s own deficiencies.

If Pelosi had control of her facilities she would realize that her rejecting the GOP stimulus package is so bad that even liberal Trump-hating CNN thinks it stinks. Instead, she accuses them of being Republican apologists.