Biden To Himself: I Promise I’m Going To Beat Joe Biden

Crazy Joe is having himself quite a day. First he went on an urban radio show and told black people they are not black unless they vote for him and then he went on CNBC and promised to beat himself in the November election. That second thing may be the first time he wasn’t completely full of crap because every time he opens his mouth he says something stupid and self-defeating. This makes for an easy workload for the Trump campaign. All they have to do is sit back and watch Joe Biden beat himself, which is actually pretty gross.

On CNBC Friday Biden was asked how he plans to attract radical leftists, moderate democrats, and anti-Trump conservatives to his campiagn.

“I’m prepared to say that I have a record of over 40 years and that I’m going to beat Joe Biden,” said Biden.

Not only didn’t he answer the question, he said he intends on beating himself. That’s crazy even for Crazy Joe.

Nobody in the liberal media is going to report on this, but if they did, they would defend him by claiming he simply misspoke. There is however some compelling evidence that Biden meant to say this. It doesn’t make it any less crazy, but it does prove he wasn’t merely misspeaking.

Remember back in February when Biden said this:

“My name is Joe Biden, I’m a democratic candidate for the United States Senate. Look me over, if you like what you see, help out, if not vote for the other Biden,” said Biden.

As you can see, in Crazy Joe’s wonderful world of dementia, he thinks there are 2 Bidens running for U.S. Senate. He presumably is one of the Bidens and according to his CNBC interview, he’ intends on kicking that other Biden’s ass in the election.

We can further make sense (well Biden-sense) of this bizarre answer by looking at another thing Crazy Joe said. Joe started by saying, “I’m prepared to say I have a record.” Last September, during the democratic party debates, Joe hinted at this as well:

“Bring social workers into homes of parents to help them deal with how to raise their children,” said Biden. “Play the radio, make sure the television, excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night.”

You see, Biden’s “record” isn’t his history but rather a physical piece of vinyl. I bet it’s circus music judging by what a clown show his campaign is.

Suddenly it all comes together: Biden is going to beat the other Biden for a Senate seat by sending social workers into people’s houses and forcing parents to play Joe’s record for their children. This seems crazy to us, but in Joe’s mind it’s a can’t-lose proposition.

The most awesome thing about this, from Joe’s standpoint, is that he said he is going to beat himself and the CNBC host didn’t even flinch. He was never corrected or even asked if he’d like to clarify that remark. There is nothing too crazy or incoherent that will make the liberal media question Joe’s sanity or viability as a presidential candidate.