Kathy Griffin Hopes Somebody Murders President Trump

Back in March, loser Kathy Griffin tried to get some attention by faking a coronavirus infection. Nobody cared so now she’s upping the attention-whore routine by hoping that someone murders President Trump. Maybe she figures her career was derailed because she mock-beheaded the President so by wishing for Trump’s death, she’ll get her career back. The only flaw in that plan is that her career was never that great to begin with.

Yesterday President Trump announced a $35 cap on insulin for Medicare recipients and in doing so joked, “I don’t use insulin. Should I be?”

Fake News Emo, Jim Acosta left out the context of Trump’s joke and tweeted it like the President actually wants to know if he should be taking insulin. From there, Kathy Griffin showed that she’s not much for jokes either:

“Syringe will nothing but air inside it would do the trick. FUCK TRUMP” Griffin tweeted then deleted.

The Washington Examiner pointed out that shooting a syringe full of air into a person’s body is fatal and that what Griffin was actually saying is that someone should kill the President this way. Griffin agreed in a most unpleasant way:

When Washington Examiner editor Daniel Chaitin announced that Twitter was looking into whether Griffin’s tweets violate company policy, she got unpleasant on him too:

Someone as unfunny and unprofessional calling another person an amateur? That’s rich.

The real issue here is, of course Griffin’s tweets don’t violate Twitter’s terms of service. She’s a hysterical liberal wishing death upon the Republican President of the United States. That’s their founding principal. Twitter will let CNN “fact-check” the President’s tweets, but they aren’t about to go suspending crazy liberals for encouraging someone to assassinate him.

Trump Derangement Syndrome has had devastating negative affects on liberals, but one thing it has done good for them is given them the ability craft a death threat without getting into trouble. If they straight-up said they wanted to kill the President, they’d get a visit from the Secret Service, If however they say “someone should kill the President” or “wouldn’t it be cool if some unfortunate calamity befell the President” suddenly they aren’t guilty of threatening the President.

The other good news here is that it appears Kathy Griffin has fully recovered from her bullshit coronavirus infection is now back to being a bullshit person and a bullshit comedian. Now she can resume her sad life of day drinking and being ignored.