Kathy Griffin Fakes Having Coronavirus To Spite Trump

Unfunny comedian Kathy Griffin is suffering from a serious illness, but it’s not COVID-19 like she’s pretending. The disease she is afflicted with is known as Trump Derangement Syndrome and one of the symptoms is pretending that she has coronavirus in a lame attempt to attack President Trump. Other telltale signs of TDS are irrational behavior, sudden bursts of faux outrage, and being completely full of shit. Griffin has all of these symptoms and more.

After President Trump tweeted out a fact that the U.S. has done more coronavirus testing than South Korea, Griffin accused him of lying and to prove it, claimed she probably had coronavirus.

Whether Griffin has coronavirus or not doesn’t change the fact that the U.S. has done more testing than South Korea. He’s not lying about that and none of Griffin’s hysterics can make a fact into a lie.

As for if Griffin has coronavirus, she does not. The LA Times wrote a a huge article trying portray her as a hero/victim, but they accidentally spilled the beans:

Kathy Griffin might have been exposed to the coronavirus. Or she might not have. After a recent trip to urgent care and the emergency room while gravely ill, the comic wasn’t able to get tested.

Griffin has an abdominal infection that is being treated with medication, though she won’t know whether she’s turned the corner for a couple of days, she told The Times in a phone interview Wednesday afternoon. She’s back home, and she’s not going out anytime soon.

Well no, there is no “she might have coronavirus” because right there in the second paragraph it says she has an abdominal infection, which is not coronavirus. And the reason why she knows she has an abdominal infection is because she went to a doctor who examined her, ran some tests, and came to that conclusion:

Griffin wound up getting a chest X-ray that showed clear lungs and an abdominal CT scan that revealed the infection. Her temperature was around normal.

The reason why she was denied a coronavirus test is because her ailment was identified by a doctor and he or she determined it would be a complete waste. Apparently there’s some kind of coronavirus outbreak and doctors are saving the tests for people who might actually have the virus.

But the way Griffin tells it, she was denied a test because VP Mike Pence’s task force and by extension due to Present Trump being evil.

That’s already been determined as a lie and these actually CDC guidelines show it’s a super-lie:

Not everyone needs to be tested for COVID-19. Here is some information that might help in making decisions about seeking care or testing.

CDC has guidance for who should be tested, but decisions about testing are at the discretion of state and local health departments and/or individual clinicians.

As you can see, Trump and Pence didn’t team up to deny Kathy Griffin a coronavirus test.

Keep in mind that Griffin framed all of this crap by calling president Trump a liar. Everything in her tweet is a lie and that’s yet another symptom of TDS.

The LA Times finished this ridiculous piece with a some unintentional comedy that is million times funnier than Kathy Griffin: “So much for those stories about celebrities being able to buy a coronavirus test whenever they want one.”

Since when is Kathy Griffin a celebrity?

She is a sad old woman who is so desperate for attention she’s pretending that she has coronavirus. It wouldn’t be surprising if she actually tried to get coronavirus just so she could scream at President Trump for being a bad orange man, which is weird since she’s more orange than pumpkin vomit.