Obama’s Former NSA Susan Rice Blames Riots On The Russians

As riots have raged across this country, liberals have tried to blame the violence on white supremacists because they forgot that video is a thing and were hoping we don’t have eyes. Now they are hoping that we don’t have brians as they roll out their new narrative that Russia is behind the looting and burning. Obama’s former National Security Advisor Susan Rice says these violent “protests” are straight out of the Russian playbook and of course CNN agrees with her.

Here’s Rice talking with Wolf Blitzer about how the people destroying our cites aren’t the real culprits:

Rice complained about people, “who come to try to hijack those protests and turn them into something very different.”

“And they probably also, I would bet based on my experience, I’m not reading the intelligence today or these days but based on my experience this is right out of the Russian playbook,” claimed Rice.

No, minorities looting a Target store is not out of the Russian playbook, but spying on your political opponents is. I wonder if Rice had to return the playbook to the Russians when Donald Trump was inaugurated. I bet she kept it.

Just in case everyone wasn’t clear that Rice is blaming this minority violence on the Russians, she doubled down on the nonsense:

“We can’t allow the extremists, the foreign actors, to distract from the real problems we have in this country, long-standing, centuries old and need to be addressed responsibly by new leadership,” Rice said.

She’s taking about getting rid of Trump and its hard not to notice that regime change is also straight out of the Russian playbook. Yeah, there’s no way she gave that book back to the Kremlin when Obama left office.

It’s also hard to ignore that she’s essentially blaming President Trump for both the riots and the “centuries old” racism of the democratic party. Obama was in the White House for 8 years. Why didn’t he address these “real problems” responsibly? Remember how many race riots happened under Obama’s watch? For some reason Rice wasn’t blaming those on the former president or the Russians.

Rice went on to claim that the Russians are actually funding the violence that has erupted across this country. Is there proof the some of these agitators had rubles in their pockets when they were arrested? You’d think CNN would have been all over that story.

Because CNN doesn’t care if people see them as an impartial and reliable news source, anchor (not commentator) Wolf Blitzer whored himself to Rice’s conspiracy theory like this:

“You’re absolutely right on the foreign interference because we’ve know for decades the Russians, when it was the Soviet Union, the communists, they’ve often tried to embarrass the United States by promoting the racial divide in our country,” said Blitzer.

Wow, that is some stunning journalism there. Blitzer is agreeing with Rice that Russia is making black people burn down their neighborhoods and loot mom and pop stores because the Cold War communists tried to embarrass the U.S.

The Russians don’t have to do jack shit to embarrass the United States because we have CNN, democrats, and cities full of scumbags doing all of the leg work.