ACLU Says Curfews Are Unconstitutional But Has No Problem With Lockdowns

It’s been really hard to feel like an adult lately. The government sent me to my room for the past two and half months and now they’ve given me a curfew. As riots rage across the country, here in the Los Angeles area the liberals in power have decided that scumbag looters can run free but good people need to be in their homes by 5pm or face arrest. The ACLU has a problem with these curfews, not because they care about the good people, but rather because they support the lawless destruction of this city.

Last week, violent protests and looting broke out all over Southern California, especially in Los Angeles County, where I live. Every day I watch scumbags looting and destroying businesses with the cops standing around doing absolutely nothing to stop it. A couple of days ago, LA County imposed a 5pm curfew upon all residents. The cops still won’t do anything about the violent protesters who are out destroying things after curfew but as a law-abiding citizen, I can no longer walk my dog after dinner.

I’m literally watching the news as I write this and there are thousands of protesters still out on the streets of LA, ignoring the curfew, with the cops ignoring the curfew violation. I just got done playing with my dog in the backyard because she isn’t allowed to take a walk and she needs the exercise.

In any case, the ACLU is super-pissed at this curfew, calling it unconstitutional. Not because they think I have a right to take my dog for a walk but because they say losers and scumbags have a right to f*ck this city up.

Hector Villagra, the executive director of the Southern California ACLU ripped into Los Angeles officials for imposing a curfew:

“Universal curfews and the deployment of armed National Guard in Los Angeles are the wrong way to handle disruptions in otherwise peaceful protests,” said Villagra.

Besides the thousands of business looted, hundreds of structures burned, hundreds of police vehicles destroyed, hundreds of officers injured, and the billions of dollars of property destruction, these protests out here have actually been not all that peaceful, but whatever.

“Curfews that bar all presence in public are far broader than necessary to address problems at protests and sweep in necessary activities like providing care to others at a time people’s resources are already strained by the pandemic and stay-at-home orders,” Villarga said.

Because of these violent riots, most of the city and county have shut down voluntarily because bosses don’t want to put their workers at risk. It’s not curfews or National Guardsmen that are straining things; it’s scumbags.

“By making presence on public streets anywhere in the city unlawful, these measures give police too much discretion over whom to arrest and will lead to selective and biased enforcement and risk harassment of people who are unhoused. They also bar press coverage of any public happenings. Combined with the aggressive show of military force and the troubling accounts of police using batons and rubber bullets not just in response to threatened force but against peaceful protesters, these approaches repeat the very problems at the root of the protests.,” said Villarga.

To be clear, police aren’t doing anything to stop this mayhem. The National Guard aren’t even allowed to intervene and are simply posted around the city, standing watch. Black people aren’t being arrested. The homeless aren’t being arrested. The only people getting busted are good people inadvertently violating the curfew.

The ACLU also fired off an angry letter to LA officials:

“The Order in its present form is neither authorized by state statutory law nor consistent with the United States Constitution, including the Constitution’s prohibition on restrictions of speech and assembly, its protection for the freedom of movement, and its most basic notice requirements,” read the letter.

I agree with the ACLU, at least on the unconstitutionality of the curfew order. My issue is that the ACLU never had a problem with the unconstitutional coronavirus lockdown orders that kept people from earning a living and putting food on the table. This so called civil rights organization was fine with people being forced into poverty, but they are suddenly outraged that thugs can’t loot.

Making it more maddening, thugs are still looting because, like all criminals, they don’t actually give a shit what the law says. The ACLU is on the side of the scumbags, but ignores the Constitutional rights of law-abiding productive people.