Fake Hillary Clinton Attacks President Trump With Fake Photo

The liberal media is fake news and liberals are fake people so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that they are going after President Trump with fake pictures. The left has officially run out of stuff they can pretend to be outraged over and are now just making up stuff to resist the freely-elected President of the United States. This is what happens when the lines between their cuckoo fantasy world and reality are destroyed.

One of the dumber liberal narratives is that President Trump has been cowering in a White House basement bunker while riots rage across the country and in D.C. It doesn’t matter that he’s actually out and about, giving cowardly democratic leaders shit for the piss-poor way they are handling the civil unrest, liberals have decided Trump is in hiding.

Here’s Florida Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell getting the bullshit train moving out of the station:

Then Hillary Clinton shoveled more bullshit into the boiler to pick up steam:

And former Obama advisor David Axelrod opened up the throttle to get the bullshit train flying down the tracks:

But, oops, what’s this from The AP? It turns out that picture of the White House with the lights out wasn’t taken recently or even during Trump’s presidency:

CLAIM: Photo shows all the exterior and interior lights out at the White House on Sunday night, as President Donald Trump hid in a bunker.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The original photo was posted to a stock image site in 2015, before Trump took office.

THE FACTS: An image shared thousands of times online that appears to show all the lights out in and around the White House was taken before Trump even assumed office.

Who was president in 2015? Oh yeah, it was that Obama guy. With the facts in place, it seems that Mucarsel-Powell, Clinton, and Axelrod are all accusing our first African American president of being a lazy coward. That seems pretty racist to me.

Speaking of racism, actress Debbie Messing messed her pants with this fake photo accusing President Trump of being a literal Hitler:

As you can see there is a picture of Hitler holding what appears to be a Bible next to a picture from yesterday of President Trump definitely holding a Bible. On the left, being photographed in a similar pose to a Hitler pose automatically makes you a Hitler.

The problem is, that Hitler picture is photoshopped. Here’s the original:

I did come across this picture of Hillary in a similar pose to the original Hitler photo:

I guess that means Hillary is literally Hitler, or Hitlary if you will.

The interesting thing here is, Twitter will censor and “fact-check” President Trump’s tweets, as well as label memes he shares as “deceptive content.” All of these liberal-shared fake pictures haven’t gotten the same treatment despite the fact that they are deceptive. It’s almost like there’s a special set of rules for liberals.