Election-Denier Hillary Clinton Warns That Republicans Plan To Steal 2024 Election

While most democrats are busy questioning the results of the 2022 midterm elections, serial loser Hillary Clinton is warning that Republicans plan on stealing the 2024 presidential election. This is likely Hillary’s way of saying she’s going to run again and she wants to have an excuse when she fails again.

We haven’t seen Hillary look this psycho since her post-2016 election denial videos:

“I’m here to highlight (fake laugh) something that is keeping me up at night,” started Hillary.

Well, we know it isn’t Bill looking for some loving, that’s for sure.

“Right wing extremists already have a plan to literally steal the next presidential election and they’re not making a secret of it.

I’d like to think I’m a right wing extremist, so how come I don’t know about this plan to literally steal the next presidential election. Clearly someone forgot to send me the memo.

Hillary then detailed this sinister plot that gives her insomnia:

“The right wing controlled Supreme Court may be poised to rule to give state legislatures, yes you heard me that correctly, state legislatures the power to overturn presidential elections,” Hillary said.

OMG!!! The Supreme Court is going to give the states the power that they already have?

According to the Constitution, the states can choose which presidential candidate wins the state in any way they want. The states don’t have to let people vote on it and they could do it by a coin flip if the wanted. Hillary is trying to scare people into thinking states have no right to choose the presidential candidate however they see fit and that’s false.

“Just think, the 2024 election could be decided, not by the popular vote,” said Hillary.

No presidential election has been decided by the popular vote. Hillary, of all people, should be aware of the Electoral College. She actually is and doesn’t have nice things to say about it.

“Or even by the anachronistic Electoral College, but by state legislatures,” Hillary said.

Again, state legislatures are allowed to certify the vote of their state and send electors to vote for a presidential candidate. This is how things have worked since the being of our Republic.

Hillary let the cat out of the bag by complaining that many state legislatures are controlled by Republicans. It’s not that there is any kind of new threat but rather too many states have rejected democratic party bullshit.

As it turns out, this batshit crazy video was Hillary Clinton trying to get you to send money to some organization that I couldn’t give any less f*cks about if I tried. Isn’t it curious that everything Hillary tells people is of dire importance turns out to actually be a ploy to get money from them?

Hillary Clinton has been dropping major hints that she’s going to run again in 2024 and this is the biggest of them all. What this vide really says is: “I’m running for president and just in case I lose again, it was because right wing extremists stole the election from me.”

This video also shows that denying election results is cool again.