CBS Accuses Trump Of Racism For (Checks Notes) Going To Maine

It’s getting harder and harder for the fake news to find Trump-related things to freak out over, but they wouldn’t be Resistance activists if they weren’t up to the task. Today they tried taking a President Trump quote out of context, but that fell through almost instantly. Luckily they had a hissy fit at a Trump press conference in which they claimed the President was trying to kill them. Finally, a CBS reporter accused the President of racism because he’s planning a trip to the state of Maine. All in all, it was a good day to be part of the fake news propaganda industry.

President Trump held a press briefing Friday and talked about 2 different things: justice reform and the stunning May job numbers despite the coronavirus lockdown. The liberal media put these two things together and made it seem like Trump said George Floyd, the black man who died in police custody, would be happy at the good jobs numbers. This is one of those things where video exists, so at least The Washington Post had to issue a retraction:

A previous version of this story incorrectly said that the president called the jobs report a ‘great day’ for George Floyd, the black man killed by white police in Minneapolis. In fact, the president was referring to growing calls for equal justice under the law.

No worries, there was an even bigger crisis at the presser as reported by Crying Karen Jim Acosta:

ABC’s John Karl brought this message from the White House Correspondents Association accusing Trump of endangering the lives of reporters:

I guess the reporters could have moved the chairs to a safer distance, but it’s more fun to accuse the President of trying to kill them.

Speaking of Jim Acosta, this National Guardsman eating lunch gave him the sads:

OMG! He’s eating!

And finally CBS’s Paula Reid uncovered some insipid racism:

So going to Maine is racist because it’s one of the whitest states? Does that mean independent Maine Senator Angus King, who caucuses with the democrats, is racist as well? I’m sure Obama has been to Maine considering he claimed, “Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states.” One of those 57 states had to have been Maine and that would make Obama a racist if he weren’t a democrat. And black.

Vermont is actually the whitest state in the country and is, no coincidence, represented by the whitest person ever, Bernie Sanders. I was unable to find any tweets or articles from CBS accusing Bernie of racism for representing such a white state.

This is what things look like when the liberal media has run out of stupid crap to bitch about. In one single day, the fake news lied about a Trump quote, accused him of trying to kill journalists with chairs, cried about a soldier eating lunch, and accused the President of racism for visiting Maine. This is also what fake news looks like and why nobody trusts these bozos to deliver the truth.