Democrats Cry ‘Racism’ Over Trump Holding Rally On Day Republicans Freed Slaves From Democrats

Democrats owned slaves, started the Civil War to preserve slavery, formed the KKK, segregated the South, and opposed the Civil Rights Act. Republicans freed the slaves, fought to preserve the Union, never started a racist organization, and desegregated the South by passing the Civil Rights Act. Sometime in the 1970’s historically racist democrats had a brilliant idea of accusing the Republicans of being the real racists and it worked. As part of this liberal history revision, democrats are now saying that Republican President Donald Trump isn’t allowed to do anything on the day Republicans took the democrats’ slaves away.

President Trump is ready to resume his reelection campaign and has announced he will hold a rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma on June 19. That doesn’t seem like it should be controversial, but as we all know, anything Trump does sets off the left. They are saying that he can’t do this rally, not because of the coronavirus, but rather June 19 is “Juneteenth” the day slavery was officially abolished in this country and because Tulsa was the site of some racism a long time ago.

Since Trump announced this rally, the left has gone completely nuts, accusing him of racism. Here’s the liberal media:

And here’s the democrats:

Plus Hillary Clinton’s former senior advisor:

Okay, time for a little history lesson. June 19, 1865 was the day that the Emancipation Proclamation finally reached everyone in the United States and is the official/unofficial end to slavery. The Emancipation Proclamation was an an executive order issued by President Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, and it freed the slaves who were owned by democrats.

Juneteenth is a day Republicans can celebrate, while it should be a time for democrats to at least issue an apology for slavery, something they have never done.

Here’s some more history. The Tulsa Race Riot of 1921 started when black people shot and killed 10 white people. After picking a fight they couldn’t finish, black neighborhoods were destroyed and 35 black people died. Again, and I can’t stress this enough, black people started this shit.

Also, at the time, the Governor of Oklahoma was James B.A. Robertson, a democrat. Oklahoma’s Senators were Robert L. Owen and Thomas Gore, a pair of democrats. When this race riot happened, Oklahoma was a blue state.

With that in mind, liberals are claiming that President Trump is racist for holding a rally on the day Republicans freed the slaves from Democrats in a place where democrats engaged in a race riot. Maybe it’s just me, but the only racism I see is in the democrats’ long and terrible history of racial violence and oppression. Maybe that’s why they are mad, they don’t want people to remember how awful they have been.