Now They Want To Get Rid Of Trump For Walking, Taking, And Drinking Water

The Lincoln Project, the Never-Trumper group founded by Kellyanne Conway’s husband Fat Squiggy, is calling once again for President Trump to be removed from office. This time around, the offenses committed by Trump are too eggregious to be ignored. Not only did the President Give a speech, he then took a sip of water, and proceeded to walk. I know. This is too outrageous to ignore, even for Republicans.

On Saturday, President Trump gave a the commencement speech at West Point. The liberal media has stopped caring about the coronavirus and race riots but they still need something to fill their dead spaces so they dissected the speech in hopes of finding some Trumpian abuse of power. This is what they got:

You wanna hear somebody struggle with enunciation, why not cover Joe “Mumbly Mouth” Biden or Nancy “Botox Breath” Pelosi? Those two have launched a full-scale assault on the English language and nobody, including Vox’s Aaron Rupar, will mention it. “MacGarther” sounds identical to “MacArthur.” What am I missing here?

Then there was this:

And? Looks like he figured it out to me.

Finally, this:

OMG! A 74-year-old man in dress shoes was careful walking down a steep ramp so he wouldn’t eat shit on national television. Impeach!

Actually, it’s not impeachment the liberal forces are after here, but rather going back to a 25th Amendment coup by declaring him unfit to serve. The Lincoln Project thinks these videos prove that President Trump in not mentally or physically well:

And CNN’s S.E. Cupps (Sag-E-Cups) completely agrees that President Trump should be removed from office:

If Cupps, who is a news anchor and not opinion show host, thinks this proves Trump is not well, what does she make of Crazy Joe Biden? Perhaps she should take a look at this:

I guarantee that Joe Biden’s campaign does not want the liberal media attacking Trump over his physical and mental fitness because it draws too much attention to the democratic party nominee, who is enfeebled and bat-shit crazy. They want to get after Trump for the way he pronounced “MacArthur? Joe can’t pronounce that or any other word and he has no idea what a “MacArthur” is.

The liberal media is freaking out on Trump because he talked, drank water, and walked. We know Biden can’t speak, but let’s see him chew gum and walk at the same time. His dentures and dementia won’t allow that to happen.