NFL To Let Players Wear Helmet Decals Commemorating Dead Black Criminals

The NFL is already planning on playing the “black” National Anthem before every game and now they are encouraging players to wear decals on their helmets commemorating dead black criminals. I guess they didn’t learn from the massive loss in viewership when they let Colin Kaepernick and other players kneel during the real National Anthem. They are already not going to have any fans in the stadiums and now they apparently want to ensure no one is watching on TV.

ESPN reports:

The NFL is planning to allow players to have decals on the back of their helmets bearing names or initials of victims of systemic racism and police violence, a league source told The Undefeated’s Jason Reid. Individual players will be given the option to choose different names, the source said.

The league has been in talks with players and their union since June about somehow honoring such victims.

Since systemic racism is as big of a crock as liberal patriotism, how will the league determine who is a victim of this thing that doesn’t exist? There is no explanation but the league has top men on this:

A list of names and initials for use on the helmet decals is being put together by the league and the NFLPA. Players have been encouraged to provide those names and initials.

99.9% of all of these supposed victims of racism and police brutality were in fact criminals who caused their own deaths by attacking police officers, resisting arrest, and reaching for guns. This is the NFL’s way of telling every law enforcement officer in the country to go f*ck themselves. This is truly an insult to the brave men and women who put their lives on the line to protect us.

It’s also a celebration of lawlessness and scumbaggery. Who are they going to allow on the helmet decals? Micheal Brown? He was a criminal who was high on drugs when he tried to kill a police officer. Every single one of these “victims of racism” has a similar story and background. If they want to make a PSA about these losers entitled “What Not To Do When Pulled Over By The Cops’ that would be fine, but this is disgusting.

Some of the other major sports are doing similar “woke” publicity stunts. The NBA is letting players change the name on their jersey to a social justice message as long as it’s not critical of their Communist Chinese overlords. The WNBA, which is not a major sports league, is allowing players to put the names of dead black criminals on their jerseys, but nobody will ever notice.

Why can’t sports just be sports? Why does it have to be political and lefty politics at that? And that’s the thing, the NFL or NBA would never let players promote a pro-gun/pro-police/anti-illegal immigration message.

What’s next in this insanity. Will NFL players be wearing Planned Parenthood jerseys for Abortion Month? Maybe they’l have special red cleats marked with the names of prominent communists like Marx and Lenin to support the socialist takeover of America.

Football is already going to suck with empty stadiums and possibly piped-in crowd noises, but this social justice bullshit makes it as unwatchable as anything on MSNBC. When the owners can no longer afford to pay the players because of the massive loss of revenue to come, perhaps they will all reevaluate this woke-ass garbage.