NFL Plans To Play ‘Black’ National Anthem Before Games

When the NFL returns, they will like play games with no fans in the stands. They also want to ensure they have no fans watching on TV either because the braintrust in charge has decided to play the “black” national anthem before every game. They have also reversed their rule that players have to stand for the real National Anthem so they are apparently counting on liberals who hate sports to pick up the slack in lost football fan viewership.

The NY Post reports:

NFL games in Week 1 may be starting a little differently this season.

…the league will have renditions of “Lift Every Voice And Sing,” traditionally known as the Black national anthem, played before “The Star-Spangled Banner” as the NFL’s regular season gets underway.

Why do black people have their own national anthem? Isn’t that segregation? If not, maybe the problem is black people don’t want to be a part of this country.

The NFL is also considering other ways to recognize the victims of police brutality during the upcoming season, which is slated to start on Sept. 10. Among those ideas is listing the names of victims on helmet decals or jersey patches…

Will they be recognizing white people, who are the most frequent victims of police brutality, or nah? I’m guessing nah.

The decision comes in the weeks after commissioner Roger Goodell admitted the league fumbled its handling of previous peaceful protesting done by players. The NFL has since committed $250 million to fight systemic racism over the next 10 years, and Goodell has urged teams to sign quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who has been unable to land a contract since he knelt during the national anthem to protest police brutality in 2016.

Players, including possibly Colin Kaepernick, will be allowed to kneel during the Star Spangled Banner (AKA the only National Anthem) so can players also show extreme disrespect during the “black” national anthem? Can players moon the black America flag or dangle their testicles in protest? Again, I’m guessing nah.

Also, is there a black American flag? Why not, right? They apparently need separate things from the rest of the country. Maybe it could have two stripes for Tupac and 40 stars for a 40 oz. of Colt 45. Also, I have no idea if they still make Colt 45. I get my beer from Costco and have not been to a proper ghetto liquor store in over a decade.

When Colin Kaepernick started kneeling during the National Anthem as a benchwarmer for the San Francisco 49ers, the league did absolutely nothing about it. As this bullshit protest spread to other players, NFL ratings went down the crapper. Commissioner Goodell finaly said players can’t kneel during the Star Spangled Banner and ratings began to claw their way back to pre-Kaepernick levels. So much for that.

We are in the midst of a pandemic and it’s unlikely there will be fans in the stands when football returns. By catering to the anti-American/anti-police demands of Black Lives Matter, the NFL is guaranteeing that most Americans will not be watching this pandering travesty on TV either.

I know I won’t be watching but I’m a Detroit Lions fan so I know the season is over before it starts.