Blacks In Baltimore Heckle Al Sharpton As A Hustler And Phony

If you can remember three outrages ago, liberals were up in arms because President Trump called Baltimore a “rat-infested” city with a bit of a crime problem. Despite being true, because this came from Trump, the liberals twisted it into the latest example of the President’s “racism.” Once the “R” word got out it became inevitable that Al Sharpton was going to try to hustle up some racial grievance dollars and vowed to go to Baltimore to fix things. We now know what exactly he did in the city and that was getting heckled by black residents who called him a hustler and phony.

As you can see, Sharpton is holding press conference in Baltimore in which there are more people standing behind him than in front of him.

“Elijah Cummings is a respected and well-regarded member of Congress,” said Sharpton before getting interrupted.

“You go back to New York. Get that shit to New York. You ain’t getting up in Baltimore,” said one black guy in the crowd, adding, “You’re a phony.”

This black Baltimorean wasn’t alone in his dislike for Sharpton’s hustling ways.

“Our schools are failing us, Where were you when our schools were failing? You’re just a hustler,” said another black man. “Go back where you came from.”

Don’t be silly. There’s no money for Sharpton to address actual problems facing the black community.

This is already pretty damn funny but it got truly hilarious when a member of Sharpton’s posse tried dealing with the unhappy crowd.

“Why don’t you go back to where you came from?” said a Sharpton flunky sarcastically.

“I live here and I was born here, sir,” replied the black man.

Awesome. Even black people are finally fed up with Sharpton’s sleazy race-hustling ways.

This wasn’t just a bad day for Sharpton but proof of his complete irrelevancy. There was a time when he had a daily show on MSNBC, went to the White House hundreds of times as Obama’s “go-to” guy on race, and could get a check from any corporation with the threat of a boycott. Now, he’s on MSNBC once a week at 3am, can’t even take a tour of the White House, and can’t extort any “justice” dollars from anyone.

He gave a press conference to 4 people and half of them called him a lying opportunist. That should be a wake-up call that he needs a new racket. Maybe he should look into gender-hustling or religion-hustling, because race-hustling is obviously deader than the dinosaurs.

What I wonder is how will Sharpton maintain his lavish lifestyle with no money coming in? And for that matter, how will he not pay taxes on money he isn’t scamming? Race-Hunting and cheating on his taxes are literally Al Sharpton’s identity. It’s like his entire being has been stripped away, which would be sad if it happened to anyone else. Here, it’s just funny.