Before the DNC fixed the primaries in Joe Biden’s favor, the former VP was a train wreck hitting a dumpster fire, never knowing what city or state he was in. His campaign can’t fix Joe’s brain but they have come up with a reasonable alternative. Joe will “joke” that he is in some place other than where he actually is and nobody will be the wiser. In Wilmington, Delaware, Joe’s hometown, he tried out this plan by saying he was somewhere else and then laughed it off.
Biden unveiled his plan to end racism in a mostly-empty gymnasium in Wilmington on Tuesday. Things got off to a Biden-esque start as he took the podium:
“Good afternoon everyone. Welcome to Kingswood community center,” started Biden.
He then paused for a second as his remaining brain cells began to churn.
“Actually, that the one die used to work,” said Biden.
He did say “the one die used to work” but presumably he meant “I used to work.”
Suddenly Biden had a brilliant idea:
“It was a joke. We know where we were,” said Biden with a laugh.
Biden is so far gone that he thinks referring to a speech he is currently giving in the past tense makes him look not-insane.
For the record, Biden really struggled to name the location he was at, which reinforces the probability that he wasn’t joking and really had no idea where he was. That it was within the city limits of a place he calls home makes it much sadder.
Biden tried to name his location, but senility and dementia wouldn’t allow him.
“It’s great to be here and back in a place where uh, you know,” tried Biden.
That’s as close a Joe got before he had to look at some notes and read where he was.
“I want to thank Wayne Jefferson for having us here at Hicks Anderson Center,” Biden finally said.
He still didn’t quite get it right. There is a William “Hicks” Anderson Community Center in Wilmington, which I guess is close enough for Biden.
Later in the clown show Biden seemingly couldn’t name one single state in America. He actually took some pre-aproved questions from reporters and this is what ABC’s Mary Bruce asked:
“This pandemic is taking a terrible toll on American lives and also the economy but are there specific states right now that you think should halt their reopenings and roll things back and if so, which states?” Bruce asked.
You’d have thought Bruce asked Biden to solve a basket full of Rubik’s Cubes they way he looked perplexed.
“Well, I uh,” started Biden.
There was a long pause as Biden tried to come up with the name of a state. Any state.
“I’m not going to comment on every state,” said Biden.
Bruce didn’t ask Biden to comment on every state, she wanted to know which states he thought should be locked down and he couldn’t come up with one. He had 50 states to choose from and couldn’t name a single one.
Biden then went on a 5 minute rant completely unrelated to the question asked of him. Eventually Bruce asked Biden if he had been tested. Presumably she was referring to the coronavirus, but somehow I think she was talking about a cognitive ability test given his incoherence.
Judging by the fact that nobody is reporting that Crazy Joe forgot where he was today, his campaign’s plan to play all of his absent mindedness off as a joke seems to be working. This will serve him well as the campaign heats up and he might have to face some tough questions:
“Why’d you threaten to withhold money from Ukraine unless they fired a prosecutor who was investigating your crackhead son’s company?”
“It was a joke.”
Why did you tell black people they can’t be black unless they vote for you?”
“I was kidding.”
Why did you sexually assault your former staffer?”
“It was hilarious.”
President Trump is going to have to prepare for this in the debates as the liberal media moderators are going to take this crap as acceptable answers.