Joe Biden Says He Attended Jewish Synagogue Services And Was Raised In The Puerto Rican Community

Ultra-white Catholic Joe Biden has said he went to black churches and was raised in the black community but since he told blacks they ain’t black unless they support him, figures he has the black vote sewn up. There are however other traditionally democrat voting blocs that are slipping away so now he claims he attended services at synagogues as a youth and was raised in the Puerto Rican community.

Joe Biden and his elder care nurse, Dr. Jill, were in Puerto Rico on Monday for 5 minutes to pretend like they give a shit about a hurricane that hit the island weeks ago. On his way out to speak Joe stopped abruptly and looked confused at the ground. Eventually he found the podium and made things confusing for everyone else:

“And so I ya I ya was sorta raised uh in the Puerto Rican community at home politically,” claimed Biden.

I wonder what qualifying this lie with “politically” means. Actually, I don’t care. What does concern me is that during a democratic party debate, Biden said, “I come out of the black community.”

In early 2020 he reiterated this by saying, “People ask why do I have such overwhelming support from the African American community, because that’s what I’m part from.”

How can Joe, who is really really white, be from both the black community and the Puerto Rican community?

There’s no time to contemplate this because I found another contradiction in Joe Biden’s history. On Friday, the illegitimate president held an event to celebrate the Jewish high holiday of Rosh Hashanah:

Biden said of a synagogue in Delaware, “That’s where I received my education. I proably went to shul more than many of you did. Y’all think I’m kidding,” said Biden.


“I’m a practicing Catholic but I’d go to services on Saturday and Sunday. Y’all think I’m kidding, I’m not,” said Biden.

No, we don’t think he’s kidding, we know he’s lying. Not long ago, Biden claimed, “I was raised in the black church, politically, not a joke.”

Again with that “politically” qualifier. What does he think that means?

Putting this all together, polar-bear-in-a-snowstorm-white Joe Biden was actually raised in the black and Puerto Rican communities and attended synagogue on Saturdays, while hitting up both the Catholic services and the black church services on Sundays. If something is hard to believe that usually because it’s bullshit.

Biden is just trying to pander and would say the same thing no matter what ethnic, racial, or freaky group he was talking to:

“I come from the Japanese community and was in fact a ninja. Not a joke,” Biden told the attendees of the annual Asian American Pacific Islander’s conference.

“I was raised in a tepee and used to hunt buffalo with Elizabeth Warren. Not hyperbole,” Biden said to commemorate Indigenous People’s Day.

“All kidding aside, I come from the female community and once had a life-saving abortion,” said Biden at the World Women’s Forum.

“I was raised in the bath houses of the LGBTQ+ community. Y’all think I’m joking,” Biden said to kick off Pride Month.

Joe Biden was raised in an affluent all-white community and was a racist democrat right up until the point Barack Obama selected him to be his running mate. Since then he has reinvented his history to pander to what ever group he wants to trick into voting for him.