NY Zoo Apologizes For Displaying Black Man In The Monkey House

Down South the democrats enslaved black people and forced them to perform manual labor, which I think we can all agree now was wrong. In the slavery-free North, where people were supposed to be more civilized and tolerant, the Bronx Zoo actually displayed a black guy in their monkey house. And this happened decades after slavery was abolished. It only took 114 years but the zoo is now finally sorry for this.

Here’s one of the weirdest press releases you’ll ever see:

As the United States has in recent months confronted the systemic racism in our nation, and as we at WCS recognize our 125th anniversary, we have been looking inward, examining our history, and asking if there is more we can do to ensure that persons of differing races, languages, cultures, and economic status feel welcome and enjoy equal opportunity at our zoological parks in New York City and our field conservation sites across the globe.

In the name of equality, transparency, and accountability, we must confront our organization’s historic role in promoting racial injustice as we advance our mission to save wildlife and wild places.

Now get ready for this:

First, we apologize for and condemn the treatment of a young Central African from the Mbuti people of present-day Democratic Republic of Congo. His name was Ota Benga. Bronx Zoo officials, led by Director William Hornaday, put Ota Benga on display in the zoo’s Monkey House for several days during the week of September 8, 1906 before outrage from local Black ministers quickly brought the disgraceful incident to an end and the Reverend James Gordon arranged for Ota Benga to stay at an orphanage he directed in Weeksville, Brooklyn. Robbed of his humanity and unable to return home, Ota Benga tragically took his life a decade later.

And by “several days” this black guy who was captured in Africa and brought to the zoo to be displayed, was in the monkey house for 20 days.

Apparently Ota Benga was a pigmy at 4 feet 11 inches tall and eventually relocated to Virginia where he killed himself.

The truly bizarre thing here is that it took a black drug addict dying form a heart attack in Minneapolis for the Bronx Zoo to apologize over a hundred years later for displaying a black man as an animal attraction. This is one of the things that should have seemed f*cked up in 1906 but they didn’t get around to apologizing for it until 2020.

While it is decidedly racist to throw a black guy in the monkey house, there are some people who could fit right in at the Bronx Zoo:

Mitt Romney would be a perfect fit for the rhino cage, though he might have to start spelling it differently.

Jerry Nadler belongs with the penguins because they have the same waddle.

Michael Moore could go with the hippos if he could swim, which he can’t due to his morbid obesity.

Bug-eyed bobblehead Adam Schiff would be at home with the owls, though they say “who” and he thinks it’s always Trump and Putin.

Kamala Harris belongs with the camels for the obvious toe connection.

Lying’ Chuck Schumer would be at home with the lions and they wouldn’t eat him out of professional courtesy.

The entire liberal media should be with the vultures because, while they can’t make the kill themselves, they don’t mind picking apart the carcass.

Joe Biden would fit with the elephants because he’s wrinkly and droopy, but while elephants never forget, Joe never remembers.

I can’t think of any exhibits for Nancy Pelosi, AOC, or Hillary Clinton because zoos tend not to have witch, moron, or c*nt displays. Maybe they can hang out by the dumpsters out back because all 3 of them are full of shit.