Is It Racist? Joe Biden Says All Black People Are The Same

Not long ago, Joe Biden told black people they aren’t allowed to be black unless they support his presidential campaign. Now, as if to reinforce this idea, he says that all black people think and act the same way. These are things that would be racist if a Republican said them, but through the miracle of being full of shit, democrats get away with it every time.

Yesterday during one of Biden’s basement bunker Zoom interviews, the democratic party nominee implied that a black journalist was a junkie crackhead. Maybe the liberal media gave him a pass because his own son is also a crackhead, but this next bit of racism from the same interview seems a bit much:

“What you all know but most people don’t know, unlike the African American community with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things,” said Biden.

So if the Latino community is incredibly diverse with incredibly different attitudes about different things and they are unlike the African American community, it is Joe’s position that black people all think and act the same way. This is up there when Hillary Clinton said that all black people look alike, and yes it’s racist no matter who says it.

Generalizing an entire race of people is by definition, racist. Well, by the new definition anyway. It’s actually bigotry, but racism now means a lot of things it didn’t used to.

Biden did say there were a few notable exceptions, but clearly he meant conservative blacks which he won’t allow to be black so they don’t actually count.

If a prominent media figured said the same thing as Biden did here, he or she would be cancelled by the racial grievance mob.

If the head of a major company said the same thing Biden did here, he or she would be forced to resign even after issuing an apology.

If the owner of a small business said the same thing Biden did here, his or her restaraount or store would be boycotted out of existence.

If some rando on social media tweeted the same thing Biden said, he or she would be banned for life for violating the company’s policies.

If President Trump said the same thing Biden did here, it would be Racism-palooza. It would dominate the news until the election with liberal pundits trying to outdo each other with fainting and pearl-clutching. Fat Jerry Nadler would hold hearings to get to the bottom of Trump’s racism. Maxine Waters would introduce articles of impeachment. Nancy Pelosi would bring joke legislation to the floor that would ban presidents from saying racist things.

And let’s be clear here, what Biden said is more racist than anything that has ever come out of Donald Trump’s mouth. Democrats and the liberal media have to take Trump’s words out of context or put words in his mouth that never existed in order to “prove” he is racist. Joe Biden has a very long history of saying racist things that need no embellishment.

I know liberals have their own reality but it doesn’t change the fact that people who say racist things are racist. Liberals are demanding that we all check our white privilege and yet they have nominated this racist dinosaur to be their candidate for president.