Joe Biden Wants To Get Back To Having Lunch With ‘Real Segregationists”

Joe Biden panders hard with lies that he was arrested marching for civl rights, that he went to an HBCU, and that he was raised in the black church but it’s actually pretty bad at hiding his racism. He often reminisces about palling around with segregationists and white supremacists and for some reason he did that again today.

Biden continued his never-ending tour to sell his Build Back Better agenda on Friday in Ohio and for some reason started off with this story:

“Things have kinda changed since the days when I first got there…I was there, I got elected when I was 29-years-old, United States Senator, from a very modest background and I was there for 36 years before becoming vice president. We did always fight like hell and uh even back in the old days when we had real segregationists like Eastland and Thurmond and all those guys but at least we end up eating lunch together. Things have changed and we gotta bring it back,” said Biden.

So Build Back Better means more lunches with real segregationists? Good luck selling that in Atlanta.

Biden has previously bragged about working with Mississippi democrat James Oliver Eastland saying, “At least there was some civility. We got things done.”

Eastland was a segregationist white supremacist who was called the “Voice of the White South” and the “Godfather of Mississippi Politics.” During WWII he fought against letting black soldiers serve, complaining that the “Negro soldier was physically, morally, and mentally incapable of serving in combat.” Conversely, he said that the “boys from the South were fighting to maintain white supremacy.”

After the Supreme Court decision Brown v. Board of Education, which outlawed segregation, Eastland said, “On May 17, 1954, the Constitution of the United States was destroyed because of the Supreme Court’s decision. You are not obliged to obey the decisions of any court which are plainly fraudulent sociological considerations.”

With that in mind, Joe Biden, the illegitimate President of the United States, is yearning for the days when he could have lunch with racist segregationist white supremacists like Eastland. I feel like if a Republican made a similar statement, the liberal media would freak the f*ck out.

Of course no Republican would ever make such a statement because all of the segregationists and white supremacists who have ever served in Congress were democrats.

Not quite as bad but equally as ridiculous is that what Biden is trying to say is that there was civility and respect between Senators back then. The guy who just called Republicans “the most extreme political organization in American history” is complaining that political opponents treat each other like enemies.

Another way to look at it is Biden is saying, “I wish there wasn’t that thing that I do all the time.” If he wants to bring back civility to politics, maybe he could resist calling Republicans “ugly chumps” and “Neanderthals.”

The liberal media won’t call out Joe Biden’s blatant racism so it’s unlikely they will hammer him for his raging hypocrisy.