RINO John Kasich Tries To Burn Down GOP By Speaking At Democratic National Convention

Republican In Name Only, John Kasich no longer has that “name only” part as he appears to now be a full-on democrat. After getting beaten like a rented mule by Donald Trump in the 2016 Republican primaries, Kasich is going to the donkey side permanently. The former Ohio Governor will be speaking at the Democratic National Convention and has endorsed Joe Biden for president, which he claims makes him a conservative.

Kasich was on CNN, where he is a paid contributor, talking about his decision to speak at the DNC.

“You were anti-Trump but you were not taking that extra step. What changed?” asked host Erin Burnett.

“Conscience, Erin. The reason I didn’t support Trump the last time is I was afraid that he would be a divider and not a unifier — and our best leaders historically have been unifiers, Republicans and Democrats. But unfortunately, as I’ve watched him over the last three-and-a-half years now, he’s continued to do that and I don’t think the country does well when we’re divided. And so, I had to search my conscience. When the Democrats asked me to speak, I had to think about it, and I believe that we need a new direction. We just can’t keep going the way that we’re going,” said Kasich.

So this life-long conservative Republican’s conscience is telling him to abandon everything he’s every believed in to support the radical leftist democratic party in hopes of destroying the GOP? I don’t think he has a conscience because what he’s doing is sociopathic behavior.

Speaking of which, Burnett pointed out that Kasich may be seen as a traitor by Republicans and conservatives to which he replied:

“I think I have a right to define what it means to be a conservative,” said Kasich.

No, he really doesn’t. Especially since he’s defining being a conservative as supporting a far-left democrat who wants to raise taxes, defund the police, fund abortions, ban guns, and give illegal aliens “free” healthcare.

He followed this up by implying that Republicans are racist and then proclaimed himself the King of Conservatism:

“Leaders walk a lonely road and if you’re not prepared to walk a lonely road and do the things that your conscience tells you to do, then how do you think about yourself when you look in the mirror?” Kasich asked.

Looking in the mirror is actually harder when you betray everything you claim to represent like Kasich has done here. As it turns out, he admitted that he was faking it the whole time:

“I’ve been very independent and I’m a Republican but the Republican Party has always been my vehicle but never my master. You have to do what you think is right in your heart and I’m comfortable here,” said kasich.

He fell out of the back of the GOP mobile and landed in the front seat of the democratic party clown car. Very fitting.

Can you imagine being this butt hurt at losing to Donald Trump? Ted Cruz got over it and Trump laid into him way more than Kasich. It’s not like Trump called him “Kasich the Bitch” he just beat him soundly because Kasich is a grumpy guy with no personality and voters didn’t chose him.

The funny thing is, Kasich believes he’ll get more love from the democrats but those people are the most hateful folk on the planet. They even hate each other so what are the chances they are going to embrace a dude that calls himself a conservative?