New Liberal Narrative: Blame Trump For The Leftist Violence In Democrat-Run Cities

Democrats and the liberal media have been encouraging the the violence, rioting, and looting that has been raging in democrat-run cities since June. After some internal polling they discovered that people don’t like to see cities burned down nor do they enjoy the complete lack of safety the race riots have brought. The problem is, there is a very public record of democrats encouraging this destructive behavior so they need a new narrative to trick the public: Blame Trump for the leftist violence.

After months of celebrating the 1st Amendment right of “peaceful protesters” to destroy cities, Joe Biden suddenly condemned the violence (sort of) last week. He doesn’t want you to remember how supportive he’s been of Black Lives Matter and Antifa so he plans on putting it all on Trump. In a leaked excerpt from a speech he will give today in Pittsburgh, Joe blames the President:

“This president long ago forfeited any moral leadership in this country. He can’t stop the violence – because for years he has fomented it,” reads Biden’s speech. “Does anyone believe there will be less violence in America if Donald Trump is reelected?”

“We must not become a country at war with ourselves. A country that accepts the killing of fellow Americans who do not agree with you. A country that vows vengeance toward one another. But that is the America that President Trump wants us to be, the America he believes we are,” Biden added.

A sentiment shared by Biden’s running mate Kamala Harris:

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers tried to ban President Trump from visiting Kenosha because he blames the President for the violence that destroyed the city:

In addition Oregon Governor Kate Brown and Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler said that President Trump, “has encouraged division and stoked violence.”

To truly carpet bomb the country with bullshit, the democrats need help from their propaganda arm in the liberal media so here’s MSNBC’s Joy Reid blaming Trump and his racist supporters for BLM and Antifa violence:

Obviously the memo went out and all the liberals were good enough to push the narrative that President Trump and his supporters are the ones behind all of the BLM and Antifa violence across the country. They are really hoping that people don’t remember how much time democrats and the liberal media spent encouraging and promoting this violence.

Speaking of which, here’s a fun super-cut of them doing just that:

The riots and violence are 100% owned by the democratic party and these receipts prove it.

The biggest problem with this new liberal narrative and the democrats’ overall strategy is that they are counting on people being stupid. Sure there’s plenty of dumbasses out there but not enough to put Joe Biden in the White House.