Democrat Eric Swalwell Accuses GOP Of Being ‘The Party Of Mass Shootings’

California Rep. Ted Lieu is the undisputed “dumbest guy in Congress” but fellow democrat Eric Swalwell is challenging for the title. In a nut shell, Swalwell is using something that wasn’t even close to a mass shooting to label the Republican Party as the “mass shooting party.” It’s actually dumber than that, which is why Terrible Ted should be worried by this upstart contender.

Last week, 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse was attacked by child molesters and domestic abusers during the Kenosha, Wisconsin riots. He was forced to shoot 3 of these scumbags (2 died) to save his own life. Politically-motivated prosecutors charged the teen with first degree murder, but the video evidence shows very clearly that the shootings were self-defense.

Liberals don’t care when Black Lives Matter scumbags or Antifa terrorists kill people, but they are outraged that a white teenager defended his own life, so they are also outraged that President Trump doesn’t share their outrage.

Here’s some of that democratic party outrage now from Senator Chris Murphy:


Murphy has a law degree so he should know that people are innocent until proven guilty. Rittenhouse hasn’t been found guilty of anything, but Murphy is angrily pronouncing him guilty of murder. Murphy should calm his tits until the prosecution’s case falls apart, which it most certainly will.

California Rep Eric ‘Duke Nukem” took time off from ass farting to deliver this mouth fart:

I don’t know if Swalwell has a law degree but I do know he has a masters in dipshittery. His premise is that unless Republicans accuse this kid of murder they support mass shootings. The fact that only 2 people were killed in the self-defense shooting makes it dumber and the fact that it was self-defense shooting already made it pretty dumb.

A mass shooting is when a single gunman kills 4 or more people in a single event, and the Rittenhouse shooting doesn’t meet that criteria. Also, the leftist rioters were shooting at this kid, which is not generally something associated with mass shootings.

As I said, Swalwell is coming for Ted Lieu’s “Dumbest Man in Congress” championship belt so maybe we better check in on his contribution to this liberal hysteria:

Okay, it’s a signature Lieu “dear so-and-so” tweet, which is always dumb and he subtweeted Joe Forehead, but somehow with the mass shooting aspect Swalwell’s is dumber. I declare Swalwell the winner in a unanimous decision. Hopefully Pelosi will recognize his achievement on the House floor while the democrats are busy blocking coronavirus relief.