UPDATE: In These Dangerous And Uncertain Times…

Good evening Deplorables just wanted to provide an update…

As of today, there is still no word from Brian and I am becoming increasingly concerned as to his well-being because it is very peculiar that he would not post and he is not the type of guy to just ghost his own site.

And he is in a communist-occupied territory in a county where the Dem officials running the show are ruthless and nothing is beyond them – it is not safe there for patriots and there is the additional threat of the wildfires which are being exploited by the terrorist left to promote their Green New Deal agenda.

That being said, and as the esteemed Mr. William Munny stated, the important thing is to keep the community together, many of you followed us from Downtrend which was stomped out of existence by the jackboots of the Facebook/Silicon Valley Nazis who strangled the site’s owner of revenue and forced him to run up the white flag of surrender.

That white flag of surrender is not something that we are ever going to do because we are Americans and patriotic ones at that who will fight these bastards until the very end, unlike so many who made their deal with the devil by becoming totally dependent on Facebook and Google to get their message out.

That being said and while my thoughts and prayers are with Brian, I can not continue to devote time and energy to a situation that is currently in limbo given the grave implications of the Democrat, Deep State, communist war on our freedoms.

I will still continue to post the morning Breakfast For The Brain at DCN through Friday but will be publishing new content over at Fleeting Freedom on a daily basis with the full migration planned for this weekend.

This could change if Brian returns but at this time we need a contingency plan and a home where there is control over hosting, revenue, promotion, and administrative privileges.

Most importantly, in these dangerous and uncertain times, it is important that patriots stick together and grow the numbers.

Just wanted to keep you all up to date.

Check out Fleeting Freedom HERE.