Monday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Happy Columbus Day Deplorables!

‘Adjustment Day’ Looms As America’s Headed For Violent Civil War

Via Zero Hedge

On October 1st, with little fanfare, Politico published an extraordinary opinion piece that may be the most important thing I’ve read all year. Titled “Americans Increasingly Believe Violence is Justified if the Other Side Wins,” the essay was penned by three “senior fellows” at the Hoover Institution, New America, and the Hudson Institute, as well as a professor of “political communication” at Louisiana State University and a professor of government at the University of Maryland (that’s five authors, in case you lost count).

Way back in November of 2017 (my, how long ago that seems . . . ) a mere 8% of both Democrats and Republicans held that it is legitimate to use violence to advance their political goals. Actually, there’s nothing “mere” about it. It ought to surprise us that such a sizeable percentage of both parties could hold such a radical view. Also surprising is Republicans running neck and neck with Democrats. Contrary to how they are perceived by Leftists, conservatives are slow to embrace the idea of violence, or any sort of punitive measures against their opponents. Their Achilles heel, in fact, is commitment to “fair play.”

We must remember that when these numbers were compiled it had been a year since the 2016 election. A year of unhinged rhetoric by the Left, and repeated calls for Trump to be assassinated. Madonna spoke about her fantasies of blowing up the White House, and “comedian” Kathy Griffin held up an effigy of Trump’s severed head. Of course, those were the unserious, tongue-in-cheek threats. Countless other people made similar threats, quite openly, and seemed to be pretty serious about it. To my knowledge, none of them was charged with a crime.

As Trump Derangement Syndrome continued to spread, it was actually a healthy sign that more Republicans began to entertain the idea of using violence as a political tool. Leftists presented themselves as having no boundaries. There was no low to which they would not stoop, no trick too dirty. They were threatening to attack and kill not only the President, but his supporters, and, in fact, the entire white race. They made it quite clear that they could not be reasoned with. Faced with an enemy like this, violence was bound to become more attractive, or at least more justifiable, in the eyes of even the most mild-mannered Republican voter.

Almost a year later, in October 2018, the percentage of Democrats condoning violence had jumped to 13. It had become obvious to them, at this point, that the results of the 2016 election were not going to be reversed, though many still held out the hope that Robert Mueller would uncover some dirt that would prove Trump’s undoing. True to form, conservatives lagged behind (see what nice people we are?), with a mere 11% condoning violence. Still, the number had risen. At least part of this has to be attributed to the Kavanaugh hearings (of September-October), which were a wakeup call for many Republicans, including Lindsay Graham, who seems to have sort of lost his innocence as a result. The hearings proved once and for all, if any more proof had been needed, that liberals have no principles whatever, and that attempts to play fair with them will only backfire. One can’t really blame Republicans for that 11%. Please pass the ammo.

By December 2019, things had gotten genuinely scary. The trend had continued. And how. This was the month that the House approved articles of impeachment against Trump. Earlier in the year, in April, the Mueller report was made public, revealing that we had been subjected to two solid years of hysteria about “Russia collusion” for absolutely no reason whatever. The libs were frustrated, to put it mildly. 16% of them now condoned violence. Republicans were behind the curve again, but not by much, with 15% of them thinking the same way.

But we hadn’t seen anything yet. That was before COVID and BLM. By June of the current year, these percentages had doubled, and Dems and Republicans were now equally in favor of breaking heads: 30% of both groups now condoned violence to advance political goals. Let us pause to consider this number once more: 30%. Let us also pause to consider that this poll was conducted at the beginning of June, when the George Floyd riots had just gotten going.

By September 1st, the percentage of liberals condoning violence had risen by just three points. Still, at 33% this constitutes one third of all Dems. The more interesting result came from the Republicans, however. The percentage in question had risen to 36%, and for the first time, Republicans rated as more violence-approving than Dems. If you will read the fine print, you will find that the September poll’s margin of error is 2.0 percentage points. Thus, the three percentage points separating Republicans from Democrats are statistically significant; conservatives are now demonstrably more in favor of violence than liberals.

Has the sleeping giant awakened?

We were slow to consider violence an option. Unlike liberals, after all, we really do have principles, and we did not want to be like them. But they have pushed us to this point, and it’s difficult to see how there can be any debate about that. Months of watching our cities burn. Months of our history being torn down. Months of draconian lockdowns and arbitrary rules imposed by Democrat governors and mayors. Months of being told that we had to shelter in place, while BLM was given free rein to loot and burn. Months of being told we have no right to defend ourselves; that if you are white, you are automatically guilty. Countless lives and businesses destroyed. Given all of this, and more, it’s surprising that the number isn’t 56% — or 76% or 86%. But since many conservatives are probably afraid to say they might condone violence, I think we can round that 36% up a bit. Quite a bit.

The other day I spoke with a friend who lives in New York. He told me that he recently drove to his local rifle range, which he has visited many times in the past. He had not been there for several months, however, and when he arrived he was shocked to find a line stretching out the door (made up entirely of white people) and what wound up being a 45-minute wait. When he finally got inside, he asked the proprietor about the large turnout and was told that it had been like this every weekend since the BLM riots began, and that the numbers were increasing. I hope all those folks brought their own ammo, because my friend also told me the store was completely sold out. And this was New York, not South Carolina.

Read the entire article HERE.

Biden: Voters ‘Don’t Deserve’ To Know Whether I’ll Pack The Court

Via The Federalist

Joe Biden said voters “don’t deserve” to know whether he will pack the Supreme Court if he and vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris are elected in just a few weeks.

“Sir, I’ve got to ask you about packing the courts,” said 13 Action News Anchor Ross DiMattei during a campaign stop in Las Vegas. “I know that you said yesterday that you aren’t going to answer the question until after the election, but this is the number one thing I’ve been asked about from viewers in the past couple of days.”

“Well, you’ve been asked by the viewers who are probably Republicans who don’t want me continuing to talk about what they’re doing to the court right now,” Biden deflected, mirroring the media’s “Republicans pounce” tactic to make the conversation about the GOP instead of his refusal to answer the legitimate question.

“Well, sir, don’t the voters deserve to know where you stand…” DiMattei asked before Biden cut him off.

“No, they don’t deserve — I’m not going to play his game,” Biden said.

These comments from Biden follow the former vice president’s recent refusals to say whether he would increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court to add additional leftist activist justices.

Just one day before, during a campaign stop in Phoenix on Thursday, Biden told reporters voters would have to elect him to the presidency before he would announce his plans regarding court-packing.

“You’ll know my opinion on court-packing when the election is over,” Biden said.

Read the entire article HERE.

20,000 hand-painted tampons used to pay homage to Ruth Bader Ginsburg

By Vivek Saxena/BizPac Review

A left-wing designer commissioned a gigantic portrait of the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg reportedly made from 20,000 hand-painted tampons, raising questions over which political party really suffers from a cult of personality.

Reportedly commissioned by Andrea Sheehan, the founder of Dawson Design Associates, this portrait can now be seen hanging at the Hotel Zena, a just-opened D.C. hotel dedicated to female empowerment — something that apparently involves tampons.

The hotel used to be known as the Donovan, but after a recent renovation that was reportedly overseen by Sheehan, it was rebranded as Hotel Zena.

“The hotel opens at a pivotal time in the nation’s history. Its lobby is dominated by an extraordinary portrait of the late, honorable Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Its pointillist concept, conceived by Andrea Sheehan and produced by Julie Coyle Studios using 20,000 hand-painted and repurposed tampons, is a contemporary, intimate spin on this classic art form,” the hotel’s owner, Viceroy Hotels & Resorts, announced Thursday.

“This unique portrait honors both Justice Ginsburg’s life-long dedication to women’s rights and equality and her humor in the most personal and intimate form. The tampons were donated by CORA, which supports Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s message of female unity while promoting sustainability and opportunity for women. Another iconic installation, a curving wall layered with 8,000 protest buttons representing generations of marches and events promoting the feminist movement, pays tribute to America’s 100th anniversary of the Women’s Right to Vote.”

See the tampon portrait below:

Speaking with Insider, Sheehan revealed that the idea of using tampons to portray RBG had come to her in a dream.

“I woke up in the middle of the night, and it was all about tampons,” she said.

Read the entire article HERE.

UNC Asheville campus locked down after threats about Black Lives Matter mural

Via The Hill

The University of North Carolina (UNC) Asheville locked down its campus on Friday after the school said multiple offices received threatening emails demanding the removal of a Black Lives Matter mural.

UNC Asheville Chancellor Nancy J. Cable said over the weekend that a “shelter in place” order was issued at the campus on early Friday after the school was targeted “for having a Black Lives Matter mural on [its] campus.”

“As all of us know, there are those that see our commitment to racial justice, our support for our students of color, our intention to raise awareness of history and to reject the ongoing violence against Black and other people of color in this country so problematic as to threaten violence against us,” she said in a campus alert.

“We want to recognize that this is, indeed, difficult for us all, and this is particularly challenging and stressful for our student leaders who created the Black Lives Matter mural, and those who have actively (and in many cases publicly) vocalized their support for Black Lives Matter activities, and those whose identities are linked to this work. It is clear that the emotional toll of days like yesterday have had— and will continue to have— a differential impact on members of our community,” Cable said.

“We are working to create opportunities for all of us to process these events and to move forward, including actions that are focused on supporting all of our students, including the particular needs of our Black and Brown students in this moment,” she continued.

Read the entire article HERE.

Man Who Agrees With The Media, Universities, Corporations, And Hollywood Thinks He’s Part Of The Resistance

Via The Babylon Bee (Satire)

SEATTLE, WA—The Babylon Bee had the honor of sitting down with a local brave #resistance fighter to learn more about the fearless counterculture fighting against hate and other bad stuff like that. According to Doy Keeblesmush, a leader of the local resistance movement in Seattle, the ideology consists of whatever the media, universities, corporations, and Hollywood tell them they should think.

“Yeah, I’m pretty much a free thinker,” said Keeblesmush when interviewed at a protest rally sponsored by Kinko’s. “I would say my ideology is an eclectic mix of Vox, Marvel comics, Starbucks’ Twitter feed, and whatever my Sociology 101 professor says. There’s a lot of hate and misinformation out there, so it’s important that I get my life’s moral compass entirely from multi-billion dollar corporations and celebrities. The only exception is dead German philosophers like Marx. They’re cool too.”

According to Keeblesmush, blindly following the prevailing winds of culture as dictated by trends and hype is the best way of making sure one is on the “right side of history.”

“It’s important to be on the right side of history since that is literally the only way to determine whether something is right or wrong!” said Keeblesmush. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to attend an afternoon boycott of MyPillow organized by Tempur-Pedic.”

Check out all of the Bee’s takes on politics and culture HERE.

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