Here’s Seinfeld’s Newman Proving Democrats Are Morons And The U.S. Postal Service Is Crap

Democrats have developed a bogus narrative that President Trump is purposefully slowing down the mail to sabotage a largely-mail-in ballot election. To drive their point home, a democratic party super PAC made a video starring Wayne Knight, who played Newman on Seinfeld, to show that the U.S. Postal service is terrible without any outside intervention. Democrats actually paid for a PSA that proves President Trump’s claims that the mail service is unreliable.

This train wreck starts out with Newman reading a month-old Time magazine that he never delivered to show that it’s actually Trump who makes the USPS so awful.

“There’s been a systematic, premeditated assault on the U.S. mail by President Trump and his so-called Post Master General. That guy never even licked a stamp,” said Newman, hocking a loogie.

“They’ve had the unmitigated gall to try to slow down the mail,” Newman claimed.

Then, Newman went ahead and disproved everything he just said.

“When everybody knows that the only person who can slow down the mail is a mailman,” said Newman.

If the only person who can slow down the mail is a mail person, then obviously President Trump and his Post Master General haven’t slowed it down. Also, I’m not sure the USPS would appreciate Wayne Knight saying that it’s the mail carriers who are responsible for the slow pathetic service of the mail.

“They’ve shortened working hours. They’ve got missing mailboxes. They’re decommissioning sweet, sweet sorting machines to try to delay voting by mail,” Newman continued.

None of that is true and has been throughly debunked, even by the liberal media.

At that point, Newman reached into his mail bag and retrieved a turkey leg to snack on, because this really instills confidence in the USPS to do a competent and professional job.

“Look, I’m not a political person,” Newman claimed.

He’s being paid by a democratic party PAC to absolutely lie to people in hopes of influencing the election in favor of the democratic party candidate but he’s totes not political. The lies continue.

“If you want to vote early and in person, do it. You want to vote from home? Apply for your ballot and get it in as soon as possible,” said Newman.

This is what a crock of shit this video really is. He’s describing absentee ballots that no one has a problem with. The issue that Trump and all Republicans have is that the mail-in ballot system of the democrats involves sending ballots to everyone whether they want one or not. That means millions of ballots are going to places where people have moved away or died. These ballots can and will be used by scumbag liberals to cast illegitimate votes.

“My brothers and sisters in blue will do our solemn best to make sure you ballot is delivered,”Newman said.

As he said that last line, Newman grabbed somebody’s package from his mail cart and opened it. Apparently the geniuses who put this catastrophe together don’t understand how visuals work. People watching this are thinking, “My God! I would never send a damn thing through the U.S. mail because these clowns will open it.” It certainly doesn’t give confidence that the people’s ballots are safe with the USPS.

The entire point if the Newman character on Seinfeld was that he was a despicable lowlife and a shitty mailman. Getting him to make a video on the reliability of the mail is like hiring Sony Bono and Michael Kennedy to make a skiing safety spot. What? Too soon?

The only thing this video truly shows is that democrats are liars and morons who waste money on stupid shit. We already knew that and didn’t need a z-list star-studded PSA to tell us.