Joe Biden Says America Has Always Sucked

Joe Biden is running on raising your taxes, taking your guns, making you dependent on foreign energy, killing your job, and packing the Supreme Court liberals who will strip your rights. Apparently his handlers figured that wasn’t awful enough so they’ve instructed him to say that America has always been a terrible country. Let’s see if this bold strategy pays off.

Biden appeared on Brené Brown’s podcast and delivered what was most certainly another of his braindead gaffes by saying, “America was an idea, an idea. We hold these truths to be self evident. We’ve never lived up to it.”

Normally when Joe Biden says something as stupid like “America has always sucked” he tries to pretend he never said it and lets the liberal media bury it and move on. As we pointed out yesterday, Crazy Joe is not normal, so he actually tweeted out this insult to our country:

Talk about playing to his base. Anyone who would vote for Biden hates America and here’s Joe hating on America.

This anti-America quote wasn’t taken out of context, it was part of a bigger crazier rant:

“America was an idea, an idea. We hold these truths to be self evident. We’ve never lived up to it, but we’ve never walked away from it before. And I just think we have to be more honest. Let our kids know, as we raise them, what actually did happen. Acknowledge our mistakes so we don’t repeat them,” Biden said.

In other words: America has alway been awful and we need to let our kids know that “fact.”

“So I think it’s important we teach history, not in a prescriptive way, from my perspective, but what actually the facts were without also acknowledging that there’s 400 years of racism in the United States of America. That’s what it is. And it’s able to be fixed,” said Biden.

So we have to teach the facts without acknowledging 400 years of racism? That’s what he just said. What he actually meant is anyone’s guess.

Biden also says that which makes America suck can be fixed, but doesn’t explain why he’s been in Washington for 50 years and never taken an interest in fixing it until now.

Putting this together with Biden’s platforms, his message to America is: “I hate this country and will work tirelessly to destroy it. Vote Biden.”

What does that equate too? Make America Nonexistent Again? I’m sure the Biden Campaign is busy pushing out those MANA hats for the stretch run.

People with a brain will be turned off by this message, but there are a sufficient number of dummies and America-haters in this country who will love what they hear coming out Joe. They are probably all on the coasts and not in the swing states, so it’s unlikely this will be helpful in the election.

Joe Biden was already running a terrible campaign but he somehow managed to up the awfulness. He’s literally tweeting out his gaffes so stay tuned for “you ain’t black” and “lying dog-faced pony soldier.” Maybe he’s hoping if he bombards us with his insanity, we’ll become numb to it.