Biden To Unite The Country By Calling Trump Supporters ‘Ugly Chumps’

Instead of substance or cohesion, Joe Biden’s campaign platform has him claiming he will unite the country that Donald Trump has divided. He hasn’t explained this any better than the rest of his vague nonsense but we did get a glimpse into the process. First, he referred to Trump supporters as “chumps” and then he added that they are also “ugly.” So that’s the plan: call half the country ugly chumps and magically we are united behind a senile socialist.

A Joe Biden campaign stop is a rally in name only as they are attended by only a handful of Bidenites and are outnumbered by the press. In fact, they are vastly outnumbered by the Trump’s supporters who heckle Joe. Last week at Pennsylvania “rally” Biden got angry and referred to Trump supporters as “chumps.” Twice.

This week in Minnesota, Biden was again drowned out by Trump supporters and he added to the insult against half the country he claims he will unite:

“Look, President Trump is spreading division and discord. He thinks that he can divided us,” started Biden. “We need a president who put us together, not pull us apart.”

After saying that if he is elected he will force people to wear masks, which isn’t much of a uniting kind of thing, Biden made reference to the Trump supporters drowning him out with honking horns.

“This isn’t a political statement like those ugly folks over there beeping the horns, it’s a patriotic duty for god sake,” said Biden.

Biden says it’s a patriotic duty to be forced by the government to wear a mask, which shows he has no idea what patriotism means. You don’t force people to be patriotic, you force them to obey and that’s not something that happens in a free society.

Biden also doesn’t get what it means to unite people because he called people who don’t support him ugly. Putting that together with what else he called them and Crazy Joe thinks roughly half the country are “ugly chumps.”

Maybe it’s Joe’s plan to unite the country by forcing people to be united. I’m sure that will go well.

Joe has often said that he will be the president for all Americans, even the “ugly chumps” but the fact remains that all of his proposed plans are radically to the left. What does he stand for that would appeal to conservatives or even moderates? What does he stand for that isn’t deeply offensive to people who really are patriotic and love this country?

The answer is nothing. He’s promised to raise taxes, kill jobs, flood the country with illegals, take our guns, and impose socialism. The only thing a platform like that unites is opposition to his desire to destroy America.

Hillary Clinton tanked her 2016 presidential hopes by calling half of the country a bunch of sexist, racist “deplorables.” Joe Biden has studied her failure and decided to repeat her mistakes by calling half the country “ugly chumps.” Let’s see if this bold strategy pays off.