Kamala Harris Posts Video Promoting Communism For America

When asked if she was a socialist on 60 Minutes, phony Kamala Harris laughed, which is her way of trying to mask her lies. We don’t need her laughing lies to know she is a socialist because she openly advocates for socialist policies. Also, she just posted this video that promotes communism, which isn’t something you’d expect from someone who isn’t a commie.

There’s no way, if elected, that Joe Biden will serve a full term, which means his running mate Kamala Harris is certain to be president. This is something that Dementia Joe accidentally admitted last week. A vote for Biden is really a vote for Harris, and this is what you can expect form a Komrade Kamala dictatorship:

“So there’s a big difference between equality and equity. Equality suggests, ‘Oh everyone should get the same amount,” said Harris.

No, equality means that everyone is treated the same way. There is nothing about equality that suggests everyone is given something, but as you can see, this is the socialist view of things.

“The problem with that, not everyone is starting off from the same place. So if we’re all getting the same amount, but you started out back there and I started out over here, we could get the same amount but you’re still going to be be that far back from me,” Harris said.

That’s not the problem with that, this is:

“Its about giving people the resources and support they need so that everyone can be on equal footing and they can compete on equal footing,” she continued.

And finally, Kamala Harris plagiarizes the Communist Manifesto:

“Equitable treatment means that we all end up at the same place,” Harris said.

Which is another way of saying:

From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs – Karl Marx

Kamala is saying that the government has to give people the resources they need so that everyone can be the same. This is something that is only possible in a socialist system, which we currently and thankfully don’t have in the United States. And that’s another way of saying that Kamala Harris intends to turn our country socialist.

Please note that at the end of the video the “Biden/Harris 2020” Logo appears so this is an official Joe Biden campaign promise. After bombing with a series of lame campaign slogans like “No Malarky” and “Where Am I?”, Joe has settled on “Socialism! F*ck yeah!”

During the democratic primaries, socialist Bernie Sanders was leading the pack most of the way. The Democratic National Committee decided that a avowed communist wasn’t very electable in the general election so they tanked Bernie’s chances and propped up a senile dinosaur, Joe Biden, as the nominee but that doesn’t mean they abandoned socialism. President Trump has called Kamala a “Trojan Horse for socialism” and this video proves him right again.

The only thing surprising here is that the Biden campaign actually admitted they are pushing us toward socialism. This is one of those times where they said the quiet part out loud. Maybe they figured so many people have already voted that it doesn’t matter if they release a pro-communist video.

For those of you who have yet to vote and care about our country, know that any ballot cast for Joe Biden is a vote for Kamala Harris and socialism.