Biden Dementia Report: Joe Forgets Where He Is, What He’s Wearing, And How To Speak

In his continuing reminder that he is completely unfit for the presidency, Joe Biden barnstormed the swing states over the weekend with what can best be described as his “Dementia Tour.” In Michigan he forgot where he was so bad that he literally disappeared. In Philly, he forgot what he was wearing in a big middle finger to Eagles fans. Finally, he just plumb forgot how to speak. This is the “dignity” he hopes to bring to the White House.

Despite the ridiculous polls showing Biden winning Michigan by a million points, the democrats appear to be worried about the state so they brought in Obama for a “rally” in Flint over the weekend. Obama delivered his standard lies about Joe’s capabilities as a leader and then…

Joe was playing “Where’s Waldo” with himself and lost. Hopefully he will get used to losing but if not, he won’t remember it it.

Speaking of not remembering stuff, here was Biden on Sunday forgetting what clothes his wife dressed him in:

“I was very happy to have the moniker of being Pennsylvania’s third senator. I married a Philly girl, by the way and I’ve got my Eagles jacket on,” said Biden.

Biden even stroked the logo on his jacket, which was very clearly not a Philadelphia Eagles emblem. In fact, it was in fact a University of Delaware Blue Hens logo. So close.

This was Joe’s attempt to pander Eagles fans and he botched it badly because he doesn’t have the mental acuity to remember what clothes he has on. He doesn’t even have the cognitive ability to look at something he’s wearing and recognize what it is.

Joe’s plans to ban fracking and end the oil industry are already not playing well in Pennsylvania, but f*cking up the Eagles means he’s done for in the state.

Lastly, here is Joe forgetting how to speak English:

“Barack and I think it’s a right to have badakathcare,” Biden said.

If you say so.

This comes just days after Joe invented the word “trueandanashdasuffaprzur.”

“I’ll lead an effective strategy to mobilize trueandanashdasuffaprzur,” said Biden.

If you are still undecided, Joe Biden wants you to know that he’ll mobilize trueandanashdasuffaprzur because badakathcare is a right. I wonder why his campaign never put that on a bumper sticker.

Earlier in the campaign, Biden promised to transform our economy meaning he wants to ditch capitalism in favor of socialism. Here he appears to be trying to transform our language from English to gibberish. I’m a hard “no” on both.

Joe Biden’s lame campaign slogan is “Battling for the Soul of the Nation” but it should be “Battling for a Glimmer of Cognizance.” Things are so dire with him that it’s easier to list the times he knows what he’s talking about. So far I’ve counted zero.