Comrade Bernie Says Breadlines Are A ‘Good Thing’

Bernie Sanders officially announced his 2020 presidential bid earlier this week and looks to put the capper on his socialist revolution from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW if he is able to put away the wretched pack of scum and scoundrels who will be vying for the Democrat nomination.

At a spry 77-years-old, the raving commie crank has now achieved success beyond his wildest dreams thanks to a nation gone mad over President Trump’s win in 2016 when he dispatched Medusa.

Trump never would have had to bother with the metaphorical chopping off of Hillary’s snake-filled head had her DNC cronies not cheated Sanders out of the election but it was her unpopularity with many progressives, bong pounders, old hippies and socialists that revolted against the Clinton dynasty and flocked to Sanders.

Comrade Bernie’s appeal is strongest with dopey, entitled millennials who swoon over socialism and have invested their cult-like devotion in Sanders and his protege Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and despite what the media says, socialism will be a potent draw come next November with free stuff on the ballot.

Unlike the phonies who are jockeying for position, Bernie is the real McCoy: a bonafide dyed-in-the-wool communist.

Thanks to a series of 1980s videos that have been unearthed, Americans can see Sanders in all of his glory saying things that he is too canny to admit today – for one, claiming that breadlines are a GOOD thing.

Via Fox News, “Vintage Bernie footage shows now-presidential candidate praising breadlines, communist nations”:

Presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has never shied away from his embrace of a hard-left agenda, but the democratic socialist is facing renewed scrutiny over a catalog of comments he made in the 1980s praising the Soviet Union, offering advice to Nicaragua’s socialist government — and even saying breadlines in communist countries are a “good thing.”

Videos of those comments have recirculated online at a furious pace ever since Sanders jumped in the 2020 race Tuesday, this time as a putative front-runner rather than the underdog he played in 2016 against an establishment favorite. With his increased stature, and role in pulling the entire field to the left, has come a tougher look at his long record talking up socialist governments.

“It’s funny sometimes American journalists talk about how bad a country is because people are lining up for food. That’s a good thing,” he said in one vintage video unearthed by conservative activists. “In other countries, people don’t line up for food, rich people get the food and poor people starve to death.”

The really scary thing? This guy has a fighter’s chance of winning, it would be a huge twist of irony after all of the fake Trump-Russia horseshit that an actual communist may end up sitting in the White House.