AOC Accidentally Slugs Biden In The ‘JoeJoes’ For Prematurely Declaring Victory

The democrats got what they paid for in the 2020 presidential election: a confused mess that they can manipulate in their favor. Irregularities have muddied what is most certainly a Trump victory and the President has said as much. Dingbat Rep. Alexandrai Ocasio-Cortez says that it’s a danger to democracy to prematurely declare victory but obviously she doesn’t mean it when the Joe Biden campaign does it.

When swing states like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania suddenly stop counting votes and then resumed with “miraculous” 100% Biden batches of ballots, President Trump issued an astute observation of the chicanery.

“This is a fraud on the American public. This is an embarrassment on our country. We were getting ready to win the election, frankly, we did win this election,” Trump said.

This wasn’t so much Trump actually declaring victory but rather him pointing out that something smells fishy, which it does.

Context matters, except for AOC because that’s way too big of a word for her to understand:

The rule, according to AOC, is that prematurely declaring victory in the election is illegitimate, dangerous, and authoritarian. Got it.

Democrats should really stop making up rules before they take a look around and see if any of them have tracked dogshit in the house. Here’s some illegitimate, dangerous, authoritarians from the Joe Biden campaign prematurely declaring victory:

Biden’s campaign manager, Jen O’Malley Dillon, said, “Let’s be clear… if Donald Trump got his wish, and we stop counting ballots, Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States.” 

Though that doesn’t make a lot of sense, (it did come from the Biden campaign) it sure as hell looks like Biden’s campaign manager is declaring victory before the official totals are in.

Then there’s the Biden campaign’s lawyer, Bob Bauer:

“We’re winning the election. We’ve won the election. And we’re going to defend that election,” proclaimed Bauer.

That’s pretty much the same thing Trump said, but in a completely different context. He’s not complaining that the Republicans are trying to steal the election but rather simply declaring victory.

I checked AOC’s timeline and couldn’t find any angry tweets accusing the Joe Biden campaign of being illegitimate authoritarians. It’s almost like democrats have one rule for them and another for others.

When AOC says, “respect the results” what she really means is “only if those results are favorable to democrats.” This is a group of people who still haven’t respected the results of the 2016 election. In 2020 they don’t want to leave the results up to the American people so they’ve taken steps to correct that problem.

The reality is, democrats, by design, have tangled up a few democrat controlled counties in swing states that will take weeks to unf*ck so they can “find” enough votes for Joe Biden be declared the winner. The system they’ve set up allows for them to keep counting until the get the result they paid for.

Like everything AOC does, this tweet was a complete miss. She thought she was taking Trump down a notch, but what she actually did was punch Joe Biden square in the nuts.