Celebrities Hope Everyone In Florida Dies Because They Voted For Trump

Sorry, that headline may be a little misleading. Yes, there are people who want everyone in Florida to die because the state went for President Trump in the 2020 election but they might not actually qualify as celebrities. Crap actor John Leguizamo is on the Z-list at best and Daily Show host Trevor Noah wishes he was on the Z-list. Hey, there’s a show called Dancing with the Stars that doesn’t feature any actual stars, so my headline is accurate by Hollywood standards.

Even as it looks like the democrats have successfully (temporarily) stolen the election for Joe Biden, liberals are still angry and lashing out like the scumbag babies they are. Here’s John Leguizamo wishing death on an entire state because slightly more than half the registered voters think differently than he does:

“Everyone in Florida should drown because I’m personally offended by other people’s opinions!” That seems sane.

Only 5,658,847 people in Florida voted for Trump in a state with a population of 21.5 million. That means that Leguizamo wishes 15.8 million Floridians who didn’t vote for Trump all die.

Daily Show host Trevor Noah would prefer if everyone in Florida died but also that the state is obliterated. Here’s a unfunny thing from a less funny guy:

Humor is generally based in truth, which is one of the many reasons why this one falls flat. The Death Star blows up entire planets, not small chunks of them. Also, if we did have Death Star technology, it would be in the hands of the U.S. Military and since Donald Trump is Commander-in-Chief, he probably wouldn’t blow up Florida just because a South American loser is butthurt about the way some Americans voted.

Speaking of the Death Star, the Biden campaign used it as a metaphor for destroying Trump and all of his supporters. This is Bidens rapid response director Andrew Bates prematurely declaring victory:

And this is Biden digital director Rob Flaherty showing that all democrats share the same unoriginal brain:

Unlike the “celebrities” who only wanted to wipe out 22 million Floridians, the Biden campaign fantasizes about killing the 70 million-plus Americans who voted for Donald Trump.

Is that part of that unity Biden promised? Will he bring us together as a nation by killing off everyone who opposed him in the election? Probably, but he is thankfully incapable of such a feat. He can’t even dress himself in the morning so chances are a partisan political genocide is out of his skill set.

Win, lose, or draw, liberals are horrible people who only wish death on their opponents. Just wait till the recounts and election audits are in and President Trump ends up winning reelection. That’s when they will demand that the Death Star destroys the entire planet because they can’t deal.