Andrew Cuomo Wants To Punch President Trump For Calling His Brother ‘Fredo’

CNN’s Chris Cuomo, better known as “Fake News Fredo” is the brother of NY Governor Andrew Cuomo and a jackass. Donald Trump once referred to Chris as “Fredo” and that has brother Andrew saying he wants to punch the President in the face. Because Andrew is also a jackass, in defending his brother’s honor, he referred to Chris as one of his sisters.

Andrew Cuomo went on Howard Stern’s radio show and instead of talking about how he plans to block the coronavirus vaccine from being distributed in NY because he hates Trump, he talked about how much he hates Trump for insulting his little brother.

“I bit my tongue so many times I have tongue scars. Here’s the trick, Howard. I want to speak to the better angels. I want to lift people up and I want to show Trump for what he is by opposition,” said Cuomo. “If I wasn’t Governor of New York, I would’ve decked him. Period. He was attacking me. He was attacking my family. He was anti-Italian. He was every nasty thing.”

Threatening to punch someone in the face is speaking to “the better angels” in that backwards logic of liberal lunatics. As for the thing where he says Trump was being anti-Italian, he explained further:

“I’m from New York, right, so I’m very sensitive to all ethnic slights. It’s not funny. First, the mafia stereotype has been such a stain for Italians for so long —and that’s where they go when they want to get cheap and nasty,” Cuomo said. “I said to him, ‘You want to attack me? Attack me. I don’t have a problem with that, but why are you bringing my brother into it? He’s just doing his job.’”

Cuomo is referring to that one time that President Trump called Chis Cuomo “Fredo.”

First, that’s not anti-Italian or a Mafia stereotype, it was an attack directed at one single person: Chris Cuomo. And it was based on the fact that Chris flipped his lid on some random person who called him that in public.

Second, Chris Cuomo wasn’t doing his job when he threatened to beat the hell out of someone for calling him Fredo. It is also debatable whether Chris Cuomo has ever done his job as a “journalist” employed by fake news CNN.

Lastly, it’s funny. It really is.

Okay, so there you have it: Andrew Cumom wants to punch President Trump in the face because he insulted little brother Chris. If that’s the rule, then Andrew is contractually obligated to punch himself in the face as well.

Later in the interview, Andrew also insulted Chris:

“I was the man in the house — not to get sexist, right? My father was gone, I had four sisters, and I was the man in the house to take care of them,” Cuomo said.

Fact-check: Andrew has 3 sisters and a brother: Margaret, Maria, Madeline, and Chris.

Andrew just said his brother Chris is a girl, which is how he acts, but he’s actually male.

In fact, he’s a steroid-juicing, fist-pumping, Jersey Shore-type of a male, so he would probably prefer being called “Fredo” than a bitch.

When the Cuomo family is breaking Andrew’s Thanksgiving lockdown mandate, I’m sure things are going to be a little uncomfortable around the table.

Andrew Cuomo is a lunatic, but perhaps he’s beginning to mellow. Just 2 months ago he was threatening to kill President Trump and now he only wants to punch him in the face. Maybe by Trump’s second term, he’ll only want to give him a bad Yelp! review.