Biden Threatens Coronavirus Lockdowns When (If) He Takes Office

Yesterday we told you about Kamala Harris going full-dictator and ordering a mask mandate before it’s even clear that she will become the next vice president. Now we have Joe doing the same by threatening a country-wide lockdown, despite he fact that his election victory is still very much in dispute. Imagine what kind of fascism he’d be screaming if he actually believed he had legitimately won the 2020 election.

A month away from the states actually certifying the disputed election, Joe Biden is already issuing edicts:

That fascist decree doesn’t apply to the thousands of leftist losers who flooded the streets to erroneously celebrate Joe Biden’s victory, however. It’s just for all of you “ugly chumps.”

And it gets worse because Biden is also threatening to lock this whole country down when he takes office. This is from CNBC:

The U.S. can expect increased Covid-19 testing, a national mask policy and the possibility of nationwide lockdowns once President-elect Joe Biden takes office Jan. 20.

CNBC also noted that Biden hasn’t been shy about his plans to lock us all down.

“I would be prepared to do whatever it takes to save lives, because we cannot get the country moving until we control the virus. In order to keep the country running and moving and the economy growing, and people employed, you have to fix the virus. I would shut it down,” said Biden previously.

Yeah, nothing grows an economy like a nationwide lockdown.

In some hilarious related news, Biden supporters are having a bit of buyers remorse after suddenly learning he wants to put the whole country on lockdown. Check out lefty author Dr. Naomi Watts:

It weird how the corruption, rape, lies, senility, higher taxes, and 50 years of ineptitude didn’t dissuade these kooks from voting for Biden but now that he’s threatening lockdowns, they are suddenly concerned he might not be a good pick.

And just in case you aren’t convinced that Biden is threatening lockdowns, here he is on Twitter threatening lockdowns:

Bold action? Spare no effort? That sure doesn’t sound like he plans on opening up schools and businesses, does it? Remember, he’s already said he’s going to listen to the scientists and “shut it down” so this is very clearly him saying when (if) he takes office, this country is getting shut down.

This is a prime example of why democrats should never be given even an ounce of authority. They have no interest in doing things that are good for the country, just things that consolidate and protect their power.