Biden Campaign Worried That Joe’s Inauguration Will Turn Into Trump MAGA Rally

I’ve never spent a second worrying what I would do when the rabid unicorns from Uranus invade the Earth because I know it ain’t gonna happen. On the flip side of that coin, the Biden campaign is seriously worried that Joe’s inauguration will be lightly attended by his supporters and devolve into a MAGA rally as Trump supporter crash the party. Let me allay their fears: Joe is not going to be inaugurated anywhere besides his own senile mind.

The Daily Beast wins the least logical headline of the month with this: Biden World Fears Trump Will Bring ‘Weird Shit’ to Their Inauguration

Joe Biden is weird shit and he won’t be having an inauguration so I’m not sure what to make of that.

In any case, the DB talked to several people in Biden’s camp who are trying to put together a COVID-friendly inauguration, meaning one without many people like Joe’s “rallies.” This however is the best quote by far regarding this pipe dream:

“What do you do if our people don’t show up and his do? They probably will and the last thing you want is a MAGA rally on the Mall when Joe Biden is sworn in as president…. I think [Trump] would want to make it as much of a shitshow as possible,” said a Biden campaign official.

Biden can’t pack a middle school gymnasium when he’s offering refreshments so how is going to attract millions to the National Mall in frigid January?

Though much of this is fantasy, it’s nice that his people recognize the reality that Biden has a hard time attracting supporters to public events. Who exactly voted for this guy?

I think these fools are worrying for nothing. Even if the democrats manage to pull off the election theft and Joe’s inaugurated, it’s not like Republican voters are as crazy as the democrats. Remember the riots after Trump’s inauguration? Only leftist act like that.

Still, it would be pretty funny if Biden was delivering his “Unite the Country” speech while millions of Trump supporters heckled him. He’d eventually lose his shit and call them fat ugly chumps or something. It would expose his plan to heal the nation for the fraud it is.

Another reason why Biden’s people shouldn’t sweat this is because obviously Joe’s going to do his inauguration like he did his campaign: from his basement. Here’s the proof:

Another Democratic fundraiser predicted that the Biden team would push for a “save and celebrate” plan, in which you “save lives and do a mostly virtual event.”

“There are a lot of conversations going on about that, and there certainly will be an inauguration in some form—we’re just trying to think about how best to do that in the context of COVID,” said Biden transition team member Cathy Russell.

They’re totally planning a basement bunker inauguration. I wonder if Hunter is invited.

Instead of fretting about a thing that will never happen, Biden’s transition team should be putting together a contingency plan for when the hand recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona, and Georgia flip those states to Trump and Joe is out on his ass.