Liberals Say Trump Has To Concede Or We’ll Be Attacked By Terrorists Like On 9/11

Democrats have tried threatening President Trump into conceding and the liberal media has tried shaming him. Surprisingly those two things haven’t worked to get Trump to walk away from an election he won, so they’ve concocted a new plan. According to the left, if President Trump doesn’t concede now, American will be attacked by terrorists like on 9/11. I didn’t say it was a good plan, just that it was a new one.

As President Trump fights the election theft in court and several key states are recounting the votes, the winner of the 2020 presidential race is still very much undecided. The liberal media has declared Joe Biden the next president, but they don’t actually have the authority to do that.

Since Biden has clearly not won anything, President Trump isn’t helping his transition team out, which makes perfect sense. Why would he help transition to a Biden presidency when Biden isn’t the incoming president?

In an effort to get Trump to concede liberals are fear mongering that this lack of transition to Biden means we are looking at another terrorist attack on American soil. Here’s democrat Senator Chris Murphy laying the ground work for this latest liberal narrative:

“The president’s delusion, which is being enabled by congressional Republicans, is jeopardizing American national security,” said Murphy. “There are a number of crises that are festering around the world right now. A conflict in Armenia and Azerbaijan, a hot war on the eastern edge of Ukraine, China pressing further into Hong Kong.”

Don’t be drinking anything when you read this next line:

“President-elect Biden has to be ready to go on day one. It is true that we’ve probably never had someone so experienced with respect to foreign relations, but he hasn’t been getting these detailed briefings for four years,” Murphy said.

Joe Biden doesn’t know where Iowa is, what are the chances he knows what the f*ck Azerbaijan is?

The memo must have went out because liberals and their proxies are playing this up, adding that without the transition briefings, America is at risk for another 9/11 attack. CNN’s Jim Sciutto got the memo:

“Let’s put some teeth on that if we can for a moment, because they are sitting members of Congress who were around in their positions at the time of 9/11, and the 9/11 commission report specifically cited the shortened transition after the 2000 election for having an impact on national security,” said Sciutto. “The fact is, we have experience for how shortened transitions make a difference in national security.”

Former George W. Bush Chief of Staff Andy Card also got the memo. He went on Fox News with Neil Cavuto to talk about how the 2000 election caused a 23-day delay in the incoming president receiving intel briefings. He then tried to claim that this delay is what allowed 9/11 to happen.

“That delay…possibly impacted, or made it more difficult, for George W. Bush to meet all of his responsibilities in the early days of his presidency because the transition didn’t get the benefit of knowing what was going on in government, or intelligence communities, or what could be done,” said Card.

He really is a card. George W. started getting briefings in December of 2000. 9/11 happened 10 months later in September of 2001. If he couldn’t get caught up to speed by then maybe he is as a dumb as they say he is.

In a weird way that does kind of make the case for Biden to get the briefings. If Bush needed more than 10 months to understand what was going on, how long does Biden need with his mind completely shot?

It’s unlikely that this liberal 9/11 terrorist attack fear mongering ploy is going to make Trump step down before he gets an honest count of the votes. That means the left will have to go to plan “C” or “D” (I forget which harebrained scheme they’re on) which will probably entail them claiming Trump must concede to repel the murder hornet invasion.

I got that one in the Def-Con News liberal idiocy office pool, so fingers crossed.