Michigan Attorney General Says Recounting Ballots Is Racist

It took a while but we’ve finally reached the inevitable leftist argument: recounting ballots and making sure we have a fair election is racist. It wouldn’t be that way if recounting the ballots was ordered by democrats like in 2016, but because President Trump wants it done in 2020, it’s not just racist but super-racist.

Michigan’s attorney general has said that questioning the validity of the states votes, which includes dead people, is stone-cold racism. We’ll get to that in a second, but first, the groundwork for this argument was laid down in the days following the election.

First, here’s white black guy Shaun King recasting to Much McConnell’s call for a fair and transparent election:

And there was lefty writer Shay Stewart Bouley seconding the motion:

Now that the left has established that questioning the validity of any ballots is racism, here’s Michigan attorney general Dana Nessel to enter it into the official record. The Detroit Free Press reports:

Michigan’s top law enforcement officer blasted the legal efforts of President Donald Trump in the state on Wednesday, saying they include no evidence of misconduct, unfairly attack Black voters and workers in Detroit and will not change the outcome of the election.

Attorney General Dana Nessel, a Democrat, did not mince her words in critiquing the president’s multiple lawsuits filed in Michigan. She said there is no evidence to support any of the president’s claims of election misconduct, or the claims are “demonstrably false.”

“Really the themes that we see, that persist, are this: Black people are corrupt, Black people are incompetent and Black people can’t be trusted. That’s the narrative that is continually espoused by the Trump campaign and their allies in these lawsuits,” said Nessel.

Nessel noted the lawsuits focus on allegations of misconduct in Detroit, a city that typically votes for Democrats and that has a majority Black population.

Other places in the state that have a majority white population where Democratic nominee Joe Biden earned a higher percentage of the vote this year than Hillary Clinton in 2016, such as Oakland and Kent counties, have not been a focus of Trump lawsuits, Nessel said.

The fact of the matter is that there was blatant misconduct in Detroit, including banning observers from the vote count and poll workers taping up the windows so nobody could see inside. Trump’s lawsuits against Detroit are because that’s where fishy things were going on. They didn’t have the same thing in the “white” counties, which would explain the lack of lawsuits directed at them.

As for taking Nessel’s word that these lawsuits are both racist and baseless, she does have some impartiality issues as she tried to ban President Trump from Michigan back in May because he wouldn’t wear a mask.

The way the liberal debate arc works is, 1) deny fact, 2) scream “racism!”, and 3) lash out violently. With the 2020 election they have already denied voter fraud despite overwhelming evidence of it. Now they are saying recounting the votes and ensuring a fair election is racist. That only leaves them threatening the families of vote counting machines, which will happen this weekend.