Joe Biden Destroys Free Press And Endangers Journalists Lives

In the Age of Trump the liberal media has said that being rude to reporters or questioning their integrity destroys the 1st Amendment right of a free press and puts all journalists lives in danger. Their rules, not mine. Since this same liberal media has declared Joe Biden the next President of the United States, they must be very disturbed that his rudeness towards reporters is crushing freedom and killing journalists. Actually, they’re fine with it because he’s a democrat.

On Friday, Joe Biden had a sit-down with Nancy Pelosi because both delusional dinosaurs are under the false impression Joe will be inaugurated as POTUS in January. The point of this meeting was for Joe to tell Nancy that she’s always welcome in his White House. Because Joe is Joe, he f*cked it up:

The Spanish phrase is actually “mi casa, su casa” which means “my house is your house.” No wonder Biden did so bad with Hispanics.

Reporters were allowed in this meeting but Joe has some pretty strict rules with the press. Only reporters that have been pre-screened and given questions from Biden’s people may ask him anything. Bo Errickosn from CBS broke protocol:

How rude. Especially considering that you can clearly hear several other reporters also “shouting” questions. I put “shouting” in quotes because you can also clearly hear Erickson speaking in a normal non-shouting voice.

I can only assume that with this rudeness, Biden has completely destroyed the free press in this country.

This 1st Amendment-destroying act of rudeness came just two days after Joe Biden put the lives of all journalists in danger:

A reported ask Biden a question about COVID-19.

“Talk to me tomorrow,” said Biden.

“Why not now?” asked the reporter.

“Because I don’t like you, that’s why,” said Biden.

According to liberal media rules, Joe Biden just signed that reporter’s death warrant.

Joe Biden has never been kind to the press. He limits their access to him and dictates what they are allowed to ask. If they should ask something he doesn’t like, he goes absolutely apeshit on them.

This is the thanks the liberal media gets for running cover for him the entire presidential campaign. They never questioned his declining cognitive ability no matter how embarrassing it was. They absolutely buried the Hunter Biden laptop story and even attacked anyone who dared to report on it. Shit, they even declared him the winner of the 2020 election and he repays this positive propaganda with rudeness.

In addition to being a senile, corrupt, lying, plagiarizing rapist, Joe Biden is also a straight-up dick.