Joe Biden Admits He’ll Resign To Make Kamala Harris President

From the moment Joe Biden was named the democratic party nominee, there was speculation that if he won, he’d resign soon after to make a more progressive (socialist) democrat the president. This is something he admitted after selecting phony opportunist Kamala Harris as his running mate. Now that he thinks he really is the next president, he’s again admitting that he’ll resign so Harris can be POTUS.

Crazy Joe and Kamaltoe did a joint interview on CNN that was more like geriatric softball game. That doesn’t mean there wasn’t anything interesting, just that it wasn’t entirely intentional. Biden was asked what he would do if he and Harris had a difference of opinion on policy.

“When we disagree, so far it’s been just like when Barack and I did…Like I told Barack, when I read something where there’s a fundamental disagreement based on a moral principal I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign,” said Biden.

So he’s going to fake a coronavirus infection and quit so Kamala can be president? That sure sounds like what he just said.

After Biden said the quiet part out loud, CNN host Jake Tapper had absolutely no follow-up question like, “WTF?” Here is Biden admitting that the plan all along has been to install someone other than him as the president and Jake from Fake Farm let it slide like it was no big deal.

While CNN didn’t have any questions regarding this accidental admission, Arizona Republican Rep. Paul Gosar certainly did:

Good luck with that. Biden won’t explain what he meant to the friendly liberal media, knowing they will excuse him no matter what, so what chance is there that he’ll explain himself to a Republican lawmaker? Also, in Biden’s defense, he doesn’t know what he means so he obviously can’t explain it.

Just prior to the election, Biden slipped up and admitted that Kamala Harris was the real presidential candidate:

“I am Kamala’s running mate…Y’all think I’m kiddin’, don’t ya?” Biden said.

Putting these two admissions together and there is a real concern. First, Biden admits that he isn’t the democratic party presidential candidate and then after thinking he won, says that he’ll fake a viral infection and resign.

How many people would have voted democrat in the 2020 election if they thought Kamala Harris was the candidate? Sure, the democrats would have still gotten all of those fraudulent votes, but hardly any legitimate ones would have went for Kamaltoe.

On a weird side-note, at the beginning of this clip Fake Tapper said, “The first lady-to-be told me she holds them for you.”

“Yes she does,” replied Biden.

Holds what? His balls? His brains? I guess it could be his dentures, but still.

The plan all along was to get Kamala in the White House and the reason is obvious: Joe Biden can’t even keep the secret until after it happens because his mind is shot. Democrats used Biden as a useful idiot due to his name recognition to get to the White House so they could then install a progressive socialist they knew stood no chance of winning.