Obama Blames Rush Limbaugh For Destroying His Connection To Conservatives

Barack Obama wasn’t just the Divider-in-Chief but also the Grand Poobah of Blame. His only regret as president is that he didn’t have 4 hands so he could point more fingers in blame for his failures. Today he is blaming Rush Limbaugh for *checks notes* destroying his connection with conservatives. It doesn’t really matter that Obama never had a connection with conservatives, this is part of the delusions of grandeur that go along with his raging narcissism.

PEN America awarded Obama the “Voice of Influence Award” for excellence in the field of bloviating and bullshitting in a virtual gala this week. Obama didn’t let them down with his acceptance speech or whatever the hell this is:

“I ended up getting enormous support in these pretty conservative, rural, largely white communities when I was a senator, and that success was repeated when I ran for president in the first race in Iowa. By my second year in office, I’m not sure if I could make that same connection, because now those same people are filtering me through Fox News and Rush Limbaugh and an entire right-wing or conservative media infrastructure that was characterizing me in a way that suggested I looked down on those folks or had nothing in common with them,”

This is like Obama claiming the Tea Party stole his unicorn. He never had a connection with conservatives or rural white folks. In fact, he’s always held them in contempt. Remember what he said about rural Midwesterners when he was running for president in 2008?

“They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations,” said Obama during the 2008 democratic primaries.

So what he meant by his connection to conservative white people was that he said they were gun-toting racist religious nuts. Neither Fox News nor Rush Limbaugh destroy that connection as it remains intact today.

Obama went further off the deep end by claiming that prior to Fox and Rush killing it for him with conservatives, that white editors of rural conservative newspapers would write pieces about how he was “sensible and had good ideas.”

I didn’t an exhaustive Google search and could turn up no such articles ever written about Obama by white conservative rural newspapers.

“That’s how people were receiving me — with a different set of assumptions than they would today. It’s yet one more example of how the connections that I may see, because I experienced them in my own life, may get harder to make if we’re only understanding people through our phones and our screens and we’re not having the face-to-face conversations where, by virtue of that conversation and experience, we can recognize ourselves in each other,” said Obama.

Again, he called these people racist bitter clingers to guns and religion. Is this Obama’s way of admitting that he too is a racist who clings to his religion (Islam) since he says he recognizes himself in others?

Also, what’s with him suddenly bad-mouthing phones? Didn’t he once brag that he could circumvent Congress with his pen and phone? His entire presidency was one of violating the separation of powers by legislating from the Oval Office and his pen and phone were he biggest accomplices.

Obama is still full of himself and shit while continuing to blame everyone else for his faults and failures. It’s nice to see that retirement and undeserved wealth hasn’t changed him a bit.