Biden’s Deputy Chief Of Staff Jen O’Malley Says Republicans Are A ‘Bunch Of F*ckers’

Joe Biden continues to heal the nation and unite us all with his insane administration posts. In fact, his deputy chief of staff, Jen O’Malley extended the olive branch by calling Republicans a “bunch of f*ckers” and Mitch McConnell “terrible.” Amazingly, this is part of Biden’s hope for bipartisan cooperation. Biden is determined to work with all of the ugly chumps and terrible f*ckers.

Biden announced this key position:

And going with Biden’s message of unity…

…O’Malley said this in an interview with Glamour magazine:

Glamour: That might be what we’re missing—is that redefining of compromise. That it is or it can be the ultimate victory.

O’Malley: Yes, exactly. And frankly, that’s what we need. The president-elect was able to connect with people over this sense of unity. In the primary, people would mock him, like, “You think you can work with Republicans?” I’m not saying they’re not a bunch of fuckers. Mitch McConnell is terrible. But this sense that you couldn’t wish for that, you couldn’t wish for this bipartisan ideal? He rejected that. From start to finish, he set out with this idea that unity was possible, that together we are stronger, that we, as a country, need healing, and our politics needs that too.

If she’s not saying Republicans are not a bunch of f*ckers, then she’s saying they are a bunch of f*ckers, right? I’m not saying Jen O’Malley is not a huge piece of shit, but…

This is apparently how the Biden administration is redefining compromise: by calling Republicans a bunch of terrible f*ckers. Can’t you just feel the healing and unity?

Biden usually calls people he doesn’t like “fat” or “chumps” but now that he’s successfully stolen the White House, he is moving to an F-word-heavy insult repertoire. I can see it now as he’s trying to get his leftist agenda through the Senate and he calls up Mitch McConnell to rally bipartisan support:

“Look f*cker, stop being a bunch of lying dog-faced pony f*ckers and pass Medicare For All or I’ll take you behind the gym and rub my f*cking hairy legs all over you.”

Suffice it to say that Biden’s call for unity is as much bullshit as anything else he says. He doesn’t want to heal the nation and bring people together. He wants Republicans to lay down and accept his whacko agenda. He wants the 74 million Americans who voted for President Trump to ignore the election theft and accept his illegitimate rule.

That Biden believes he can achieve this obedience by insulting people shows he’s as dumb as he is crazy. You can catch more flies with honey than by calling them terrible ugly chump f*ckers.