Massive COVID-19 Relief Bill Includes Millions For Pakistan ‘Gender Programs’

Congress has finally agreed on a Coronavirus relief bill and is expected to pass within the next day. While it does provide some modest financial help for people who have been devastated by the pandemic, there’s also a lot of garbage in there like millions of dollars going to Pakistan for “gender studies” whatever the hell that is. Don’t worry though, this bill is so massive that nobody in Congress will ever read it and therefor nobody will ever contest it, making it a shoe-in to pass.

The NY Post reports:

Congressional leaders on Monday released the text of a 5,593-page COVID-19 stimulus package hours before a midnight government funding deadline.

The massive legislation is one of the longest bills ever considered, but is expected to pass swiftly over back-bench grumbles.

The bill contains $600 stimulus checks for most Americans with another $600 per child, a $300 weekly unemployment supplement and $284.4 billion in forgivable small-business Paycheck Protection Program loans.

And about that 5,593 page bill, Senator Rand Paul has some reservations:

While it’s unlikely that any lawmakers are going to read this thing before passing it, conservative commentator Tom Elliot perused it and found some very interesting items:

It’s hard to imagine the coronavirus stands a chance with all of this well-thought spending. I can see why Nancy Pelosi has held the American people hostage for the past 5 months, fighting for this stuff.

This bill is such a mess that it has Ted Cruz agreeing with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez:

I’m pretty sure that AOC making sense is the 6th sign of the Apocalypse. Now all we need is for Joe Biden to be inaugurated and our doom is sealed.

And to put all of this into perspective, here’s 70’s light-rocker Van Morrison:

But they are going to give us back $600 of our own money and hope we don’t notice all the other insane shit in this ridiculous spending bill.